Sharing what we know

Sharing what we know is so easy these days—all you need to have a microphone.

Where do you get that?

Your phone is good enough to start recording yourself.

If you don’t want to edit or try to distribute with your efforts, you should try ClubHouse. Amazing place to find your own voice and crowd.

Elon Musk & Clubhouse

What a day. Our entire Sunday was all about Elon Musk’s live talk on ClubHouse. We literally stopped everything and waited till 10 pm (PST) to learn what he would share with us. The main room was packed, and hundreds of thousands of people listened to live talk via overshadow channels. Literally, everyone was super curious to hear what’s next for him or us:)

In a nutshell, he talked about:

  • Neuralink & Game Simulation

  • Tesla & AI

  • California & Covid Shots Distribution

  • What he watched & read recently and daily workflow

And the most important part of the live talk, he invited Robinhood’s CEO to ask what happened the last couple of days.

Such an unreal world we are living in. Media, Tech, Finance, and many other sectors are literally going to change next couple of months, and 2021 will not be easy for everyone.

Social Validation

Social validation is such an important factor in our lives. It literally shapes what we do, why we are doing it.

Technically we are relying on things outside of ourselves to make us happy. We are seeking constant approval to keep what we are doing. This is a trap. We shouldn’t fall into it.

How do we stop seeking social validation?

Don’t ask for validation. Ask for yourself. Do it for you, not for them!

What is normal anymore?

California backed to “old normal” which means we can eat outdoor again after one month break. We didn’t go out yet but still, we feel back to “normal”.

Then I asked myself: Old normal, Was it real normal?

Nope, that was just a new normal.

So, What is normal anymore?


Serendipity means when interesting or valuable discoveries are made by accident. Serendipity is nourished by randomness. At least those random events don’t look in proper order. It just happens. Because we can’t explain it and we just say “luck”

How can we experience more serendipitous situations?

Try more random things and believe in the right combination will occur! And we will say “What a delightful find, a true serendipity”

Life is a Game

I don’t play games at all. Somehow I feel life itself is a great game. I never need to find another game. My mind is mesmerized by daily life challenges. Every new struggle is making me feel another level I need to cope with.

We are creating our games without any effort. Isn’t it crazy? All we need to be aware of we are the game designer of our life game.

Is it really a coincidence?

What is a coincidence?

What is luck?

Do you believe any of them?

I do believe in the power of thinking, visualization, and sending good energy. When you do that( of course, with the necessity of “work”), you are shooting all your bullets in the right direction. One of them will hit (hopefully), and it will be called “coincidence.”

Is it really a coincidence?

Where is your place?

-Where is your place?

—Well, my friend, where can I start?

—Should I start where my parents are originally from?

—Or, where would I prefer to be?

—How about the place I went to last year and left my heart?

—Honestly, I am from many places. I can’t decide to take you to which one I should. Maybe we should go to your place?

Rainy days

Rainy days are my favorite. Sunny days are absolutely amazing. Still, we need rainy days for a sustainable environment. Also, it is good to change our scenery from time to time.

Rainy days as a term is a great metaphor for finance terms. Even if rainy days look like so far, and no prediction to be raining, we still get ready for those times mentally.

What if it rains?


Big transformations come about from hundreds of small almost invisible tiny steps.

Our job is to do practice and don’t worry about the outcome. You will be surprised how much you evolve since you started.