Life purpose

What’s your purpose in life?

We tried to find “a” purpose in our life. And, we failed.

There is no one general-purpose that can lead us in our all age. I think our purposes are changing as we do. That is absolutely fine and natural.

Don’t ruin your lives; just pushing yourself to try to find something soooo huge. Live with the flow.

Back to roots

Back to roots definition is going back to where you come from. You don’t necessarily need to go back and live there. It is a metaphor to remind you of “your origin,” it makes you who you are.

Of course, we will be a better version of ourselves. Daily growth is inevitable. Still, where we come from, and our home is always in our hearts. In our 20s, we were trying to live somebody’s lives. That’s is the nature of life. We need to try, learn and grow.

More we age, we more feel our roots tingling inside of our soul. Trying to come back to the surface. And showing us how beautiful our roots. No shame, No regret. This is an incredible feeling.

Imagination vs Reality

“We suffer more from imagination than from reality.- Seneca”

It is hard to distinguish what is real? And what is not? in these days. Especially all the fake news is flowing on social media. And brands are all about to try to imply their “new reality” to us.

We should spend a minimum of 10-15 minutes every day thinking about our lives like a person who visit someplace for the first time. What is the best way to do it?

Sit down, close your eyes, and: Think whatever you want to think. No judging, no limiting. Just have time to think.

Connecting the dots

If someone asks me what makes you so happy, Aykut?

I’ll say without a doubt: “Connecting the dots.”

That is like a game for me, especially for life problems and business decisions. I love finding quick examples to simplify the situation for everyone and make it so easy to digest.

How I do that?

  • Seeing more use-cases (some of them my experiences, others I read or listened to)

  • Understanding the other party’s motivation and desire.

Things take time

Yeah, things take time. It sounds so simple and easy to understand. But really hard to digest if you think deeply.

Seeing the lights at the end of the tunnel, probably makes the waiting more enjoyable. Still takes time…

Visibility problem

Let me share with you one of my best practices before meeting with anyone:

I sent some articles/videos about me and also what I am doing these days. I believe that it is a great exercise to save everyone’s time and energy.

However, this exercise should be the default research for everyone’s own sake. You should not need to try to explain or show yourself to others.

On the other hand, sometimes we try to explain ourselves to our close circle. At least reminding them who they are dancing with.

Why are we doing this? I think we have a visibility problem. They are missing out on some of our cores.

Knowing it is difficult

Knowing it is difficult whatever you want to accomplish makes it easier to keep going.

The expectation should be clear. Yes, you will hit your head to the wall sometimes so hard. At least you need to aware of why and what happened.

If anybody told you, it would be easy; either they live in some sort of “dream” world or are born with a silver spoon on their mouth.

Never settle with small wins. Always start with “beginner’s mind” motivation. Try, learn, and do it again.


Sharing what you are reading, signaling you are smart

Sharing who you are hanging out with, signaling you are friends of those cool people.

Sharing what you are driving, signaling you have a taste of quality

Sharing what you are listening or watching, signaling you are intellectual

At least know what you are doing it is all about signaling to others. To tell your stories with your signals.

Everyone is doing it

You should not be doing what you are doing because everyone is doing it. That is easy reasoning. That might work, but in the long run, you won’t be living your life.

Which one is more interesting to you?

  • Be confirmed by society.

  • Or living your life with your own set of rules.