Most of the time, our biggest accomplishments are happened after doing tiny steps every single day. Yes, not every day is super exciting for reading or writing. Or sending another email to potential clients or listening to your team members’ struggles. Still, those tiny steps are making all the difference.
Miracle work
How many times you got the answers while you stopped looking. Or, how many times you got an email that includes what you need from someone out of the blue?
Yeah, we think those times are miracle moments. Are they really?
Your mind continuously working. It doesn’t matter you sit at your desk or not. Connecting the dots with all collected memories.
Everything is relevant if you can look at this perspective. There is no miracle. It is only a process. Everything takes its time.
Note: Yesterday, I had an amazing talk with Mubs from FounderPath. If you are a maker, builder, or founder, you should definitely check the video.
Doers do
Doers do, they don’t talk
They deliver, they ship it.
They don’t try to control what they can’t control.
They learn while they are doing.
I think self-persuasion is a habit, and anyone can learn it.
Let’s take a look at what does self-persuasion means: “Self-persuasion situation is that no direct attempt is made to convince anyone of anything. Thus, with self-persuasion, people are convinced that the motivation for change has come from within, so the persuasion factors of another person’s influence is irrelevant.” (Wikipedia)
You don’t need anybody or anything to convince you of what you are believing. Your knowledge, expertise, or personal growth is already enough for you to start, excel, or finish it.
I think that is very helpful, especially if you are a leader of an organization or managing people who are looking for guidance or inspiration.
Competition vs Comparison
Competition is great. You are entering a new place with other players. Some of them look better than you are. Some of them even started training way back than you ever heard the competition itself.
What should you do?
Focus only on your practice. Be a better version of yourself. Enjoy the competition. But never let the competition defines you.
You are on this journey and fell in love with the process. Be consistent and never fall into the “I am not good enough” trap. Keep pounding the stone.
Commitment vs Goals
Commitment is the key to anything you want to achieve. Sometimes even more than you can dream.
However, goals are hard to reach. In most cases, results are not driven by us. We can not control it.
If you want to be a successful salesperson, you need to focus on the number of people you can reach out to per day. It does not matter you close to the deal or not. You commit to what you can control.
Or, do you want to be a great writer? Just write every day. Forget about the results who will pick your writings and publish them as a book. Just write every day.
Ask yourself what do I control on my commitment to take me to whatever level I want to be?
Create an alternative path
If you want to go from A to B, what you will do?
Check on maps. And find the route and follow right?
Your maps assume that you are most likely to drive. Because those apps remember your previous trips and made it your car is your default vehicle.
Maybe you want to try a bike or walk?
A bike ride might not be the fastest route but definitely open up your mind and eyes much wider than a car ride.
Create an alternative path and think everything upside down from time to time.
Sitting with inner peace
I think we should chase inner peace instead of happiness.
Being happy is a great state of mind. On the other hand, you can not be happy all the time. But, you can always be peaceful whatever you are dealing with in your life.
Somedays are going to be bad others will great.
Just sit down and do nothing for a couple of minutes for today. Accept yourself with all your cons and pros. That silence will attract inner peace shortly…
By non-doing, all doing becomes possible. —Lao Zi…
Help without thinking your return
Help as much as you can. If you are busy and can’t help 1:1, then write a blog post or record a podcast. Share what you know & learn with others.
Don’t even think what will be my return? You are sharing it because you can’t hold it with you. That is YOU!
You can’t expect the same behavior from others. All you gotta do, keep helping without thinking of return on investment.
How to Stick Your New Year’s Resolution?
Ok, Everyone has a new year resolution. Especially this year, we all have huge expectancy such as get rid of Covid-19, back to traveling, going out with friends, etc.
Those are all great. I hope those days are not so far away. But, most of our expectations are not under our control. That is why I want to share how consistency changes my life.
I looked up last year and said to myself.
“ What are the things I can do? No matter what happens to me, my family, and people I care about.”
In a nutshell: writing, reading, and walking/hiking
These three things I can do any day and every day. Consistency is key. For doing every day, you need to pick something so natural for you. After you have done it for a long time, you can add more things to your daily or weekly routine by replacing old unwanted habits. But, a crucial point in here: Start very few things daily and master them.