Favorites Of

What a YEAR!

I know 2020 is not everyone’s favorite year. Still, It was a year full of new learning, experience, and opportunities.

Let’s start with my Favorites.

My Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Psychology of Money.

I purchased this year 200+ books. I read a very few of them cover to cover. I couldn’t stop myself from giving away that book as much as I can.

My Favorite Biography: I Love Capitalism

Life Story of Ken Langone (Home Depot’s Co-Founder). It is an easy read and full of wisdom and advice.

My Favorite new two hobby: Japanese Style “Black Ink” Drawing & Playing GOLF

I’m still very early in my drawing journey. Let’s see what we will draw a new year. For Golf, Last 7 days I went to Golf Course more than 3 times. It sounds like I’m hooked or just newbie excitement. Let’s see:)

Your Favorites

Top 10 Post of 2020 *

1) Mia & Educated 2) Success Factor: Grit 3) Showing Respect 4) People are Shy

5) Thank You 6) Trust 7) Sense of Urgency 8) Aykut as a remote control 9) How to win

your first paying customers 10) How perfect are you?

*Based on Substack’s Algorthym. You can check full Top list in here

I am hoping 2021 will be the year our all dreams and wishes come true. I will be keep trying new things, reading a lot, learning new skills and fail some of them. That is all OKEY. We are human. And, that is wonderful.


Bonus: I have been sharing the last 4 weeks every Friday what is going on in tech, the stock market, books, life, money, new habits and many more.

Now, I’m taking my live “show” for my subscriber-only. You can ask a question or might be a guest speaker too.

Free for Now for my Substack Readers. Register Today!

Tomorrow Guest: Felix Israel. Enterpreneur based in Berlin. He started multiple tech companies and mostly recently he started his Fashion Startup “Faros”

At least give me couple more years to live my life fully.

It was scary shit. I was crying….

I said, “Give me a second opinion, doctor. Are you sure I’m dying”?

He said, “ You are my friend.”

I said loudly, “I’m going to fight till the last day.” Even If I’m going to die, at least I can extend my life.

I was so pissed…. So emotional….

Then I said, “At least give me couple more years to live my life fully. I have things to do!”

Then I woke up. I was glad I’m okay… That was a dream…

I felt in the middle of the night; I got the second chance to live my life.

We don’t have to have cancer to live our lives. That might be too late….

First Anniversary of Aykut’s Newsletter

Yes, That is right. I have been writing since Dec 29, 2019. (This is the first post if you are curious)

The biggest change in my life:

I remember every single day since last year today.


I write every day. Writing is like a souvenir. Each day is a vacation. When you write, you are collecting a piece of that day to remember how the trip was.

Because of this daily newsletter, I forced myself to be a better version of myself. Why?

Because I committed myself to you guys, I promise all of you I’ll write every day.

All I can say, If you are planning to change something in your life, Don’t wait for January 1st.

I started on Dec 29. I am glad I didn’t say to myself “Let me wait a couple more days.”

The best day for “Change” is TODAY!

Moving people to one direction

Whatever you figured out, they don’t really see it. Maybe you live in your own bubble or something else.

They don’t get it because they don’t know their capacity. They didn’t spend any time really understand what they are doing and why it matters?

So, how are you going to move them?

Don’t try to move them! Just be honest and share what bothers you!

Be super clear and underline the importance of One direction, or You are OUT!

Less is more

The less you care about others, the more you have time to think about yourself. This is very helpful, financially, and emotionally.

So people’s ability to save is more in their control than they might think. Savings can be created by spending less. You can spend less if you desire less. And you will desire less if you care less about what others think of you. As I argue often in this book, money relies more on psychology than finance. (Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel)

The more things we desire and the more we have to do to earn or attain those achievements, the less we actually enjoy our lives—and the less free we are. (The Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday)


I discovered Edge.org through the book “What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody’s Cognitive Toolkit?”(2011’s Question).

Edge Foundation asked a “question” the world’s top writers, thinkers, and futurists between 1988-2018. They answered those questions with 1-2 pages answers. It is an amazing curation. Unfortoaunely, they don’t do it since 2018; however, they keep updating their website with audio & videos.

I found a fascinating video about the “Future of Humanity.” Check out

Make the most of a bad job

You can learn from anything If you are curious.

I always say being curious +25 IQ Point.

Even a boring job can teach you a crazy amount of new things.

Staying in the same place without traveling sounds like hell. But it gives you a chance to discover your own town.

Complaining doesn’t take you anywhere. Just focus on something you can control and make the most of bad jobs and situations.

It is on your mind

Whatever you are suffering on your mind, this is only on your mind.

Just don’t think “others” will come one day and save you. They don’t know what is going on with you. Everyone busy with their own life. They care, but you have to take care of yourself.

Start being honest with yourself as early as you can.

Superpeer – :Video Call with me

I came across a very cool product it is called Superpeer. What is Superpeer?

Superpeer gives you the tools you need to have paid 1:1 video calls with your audience.

I got the last couple of years so many emails, Linkedin, and IG messages about what people are building and want my opinions or help. I tried to help in the beginning, later on, it got hard to answer everyone. Also, I need to be mindful of my time and their time. That is why I like SuperPeer. It is great to qualify who is really needs your time & attention.

Check out my Superpeer profile (I uploaded 10 seconds of the video how can I help You) and use the “SUBSTACK” promo code for 50% off. Limited for this week.

My Canadian Mafia: Shane, Chamath, Neil, and Andrew.

I don’t limit my knowledge source to a specific country or group of people. However, in the last couple of years, I got so much wisdom & inspiration from a handful of people. When I look at them, I found a very interesting commonality: They are all Canadian

Let me start with my very first Canadian: Shane Perrish. I discovered Farnam Street in early 2017 with his podcast with Naval. After that, I became an avid reader of his blog and followed anything related to him. I enrolled in the “Art of Reading and Decision by Design” courses. And The Great Mental Models Series are phenomenal work. Everything they do with Farnam Streets helps people like me learn from people who already figured it out. Also, paying forward to the Farnam Street crowd, I am actively participating in their learning community.

Chamath Phalihatpiya. I tried to write something about him in this blog and following all his SPACs activities as much as I can since early this year. A couple of months ago, I tried to reach out to his firm Social Capital to help them make a better investment decision through my companies and expertise. I had a couple of meetings with his partner. I really believe in his mission. But, the most important thing in my case I like his simple, clear statements. Those really resonate with me.

Neil Pasricha. I read his “You are Awesome” book and started my daily blog literally a year ago. Before his very first book, he wrote 1000 consecutive days his blog to find “Awesomeness” in his life and share his experience. Later I read all his books and try to understand him well. Now, I’m a huge fan of his 3books podcast. Almost every book (Guests are sharing their top 3 the most formative books in their life) mentioned that podcasts I either purchased or added my own wish list. I dream myself to be a guest one day on his podcast. The problem is my most formative books were already mentioned, so he should not hurry up to invite me till I found new formative books:)

Andrew Wilkinson. His early career with his design agency is pretty much similar to how I started MobileAction. Later he stayed in that business as a cash generator and either invest or acquired related business he wanted to grow. He started Tiny Capital( Berkshire Hathaway for Tech companies). I picked a different route, raised capital, and scale my agency business as a SaaS company. I think he and I can be a good friend. We have so many common experiences as far as I think that way. Lately, with Wecommerce (start, buy, and invest in the world’s top Shopify businesses), it is definitely something I am thinking a lot for the same model for the App Store ecosystem.

These four Canadians are really has a huge impact on my last couple of years. I didn’t meet any of them in person. We exchanged a couple of tweets and emails with some of them. Still, Canada is a compelling spot for me. Maybe their European values and North American drive something else. I love my Canadians and love to explore opportunities in Canada near future.
