Moai- Lifelong Friendship

Moai is a Japanese word for a lifelong friendship. Friends for good and bad times. Those are the friend you meet periodically and be YOU. Nothing needs to be hidden or be pretend to someone else. They accept You without question. No judgment.

Especially this ancient tradition is still going on in Okinawa. That is the place for well-known people who live a very long & healthy life. Okinawa is a beautiful island, and food (seafood) is the most important secret factor. I figured Moai friendship matching starts when the kids are very young. They pretty much take care of their social group for lifelong. When they are taking care of them, actually, they are taking care of themselves.

Vivek Murphy shares his Moai in Podcast. Listen if you interest in learning more.


Some days, you feel your responsibilities are heavier. There is nothing wrong with you,

or you can not make it lighter. You have to live it up. You can’t accelerate the process.

This is the nature of life.

Talk someone

The best person to talk to the one who has experience with the same topic.

If you raising capital, talk to the founders who raised it.

If you are buying a house, talk to someone who recently bought a house

If you are going to get a TESLA, find your friends who have a Tesla.

Value Relationships

I value relationships rather than transactions at the beginning of a relationship. For healthy and happy relationships are the ones, both parties are winning.

On the other hand, we are so impatient with our winning portion because of the environment we are in.

Yes, you will WIN. Big time! But, Why are you rushing it?

Because we tend to get it done and move on to the next hunt, our short and small transactions make us hallucinate. We can’t think bigger than that.

My suggestion is to value relationships first. Then, think about how we can grow together. If the partner or friend doesn’t want to take the relationship next level, that is alright. Maybe, their plate is full and they don’t want to replace it with the bigger one. You can’t change anybody’s perception, but you can change the value relationship circle.

Who is your audience?

Go as deep as you can to find very specific of your audience. Don’t guess it!

If you know your audience very well then check out where are they located?

Maybe you are so close to them. Or, you might even have them in your circle. Test with them and learn. Then try to increase that audience by either buying traffic or sharing free stuff.

Full worth

Appreciate means recognize the full worth of something or someone.

Be make sure to surround yourself with a circle that appreciates you. That is pretty much a mutual feeling. Don’t fake it. Work for it.

I like Dale Carnegie’s true appreciation definition. The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere, and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned.

The curse of knowledge

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the background to understand. (Wikipedia)

We assume everyone has the same level of knowledge. When they don’t get what you are explaining, we believe either something wrong with them or us.

Especially, we experience this when you are onboarding a new feature for users or customers. We are assuming they will choose whatever paths we designed for them.

I think before doing anything else, you should start to ask questions from basic to advance in order to understand their background.

You can only deal with up to 150 people

According to Robin Dunbar (professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford), human has a capacity of up to 150 people to have meaningful relationships.

5 people: Your inner circle. Your family, (They consume 40% of the total available social time)

15 people: Your close friend group

50 people: Your friends. You hang out occasionally.

150 people: Your community. You know them and have some personal history.

I was curious about social media’s effect on Dunbar’s number (Dunbar did this research in the early 90s). Found his latest podcast (2017-13minutes), he says actually, when we are connected thousands of people on our social network sites. Still, we are, on average, talking to 150 people privately all the time.

Simple Direction

If you have a compass, you never get lost. If you don’t have a compass, go up the sky and find “North Star.” You can adjust your route based on that simple direction.

Southwest Airlines has a core & simple metric: THE low-fare airline.

“Let’s think about the ideas driving Southwest Airlines as concentric circles. The central circle, the core, is “THE low-fare airline.” But the very next circle might be “Have fun at work.” Southwest’s employees know that it’s okay to have fun so long as it doesn’t jeopardize the company’s status as THE low-fare airline. A new employee can easily put these ideas together to realize how to act in unscripted situations. For instance, is it all right to joke about a flight attendant’s birthday over the P.A.? Sure. Is it equally okay to throw confetti in her honor? Probably not—the confetti would create extra work for cleanup crews, and extra clean-up time means higher fares. (Made to Stick, Chip Heath)”

Simple direction transforms your entire organization to be self-managed individuals. They have a simple direction to follow.


Everyone knows sort of what the telegraph is and how it works. Ex: War movies, Mars Code, Telegraph Poles (In Turkey, we even have a song for them) But, I never get how the mechanism works? Never interested in learning till today.

Why was the need for Telepgrah back in the early 1800s? The more you know the basics of early inventions, the more chance to understand what discovery drove which innovation and new creation. Why you need this?

You can connect easily the dots and fully understand the basic principles of life.

Bonus: I did a LIVE Youtube Show(experiment) about what happened last week on Tech, Startup Scene. I also shared some of my book suggestions and opinion about the market. If you interest in check out