How simple is it?

How simple is it? We should ask this question ourselves whenever we are building, writing or creating things.

How simple can I explain to others?

How simple can I write it?

How simple can I onboard my users?

How simple can I reach my audience?

This list goes on. We sometimes mixed up simplicity with quality. And, ending up drowning in complexity. Simple things can definitely be beautiful too.

“Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple.” Charles Mingus



Desperation is one of the decision drivers. We change our perspectives and motivations based on how desperate we are.

The key is in here: You should not show your desperation to other parties. When you are desperate, you are willing to take any deal on the table.


It is hard to start from scratch. Especially if you are not around people familiar to you. New language, new country, new people. That’s why people mostly don’t miss the cities they miss their friends & family or their old memories.

Relationships are so vital for our lives. Those make us healthier and happier individuals. I’m reading a book it’s called Together by Vivek Murthy. He explains why being lonely is the biggest health problem than drug usage, smoking, or diabetes in America. (The impact of lacking social connection on reducing life span is equal to the risk of smoking fifteen cigarettes a day, and it’s greater than the risk associated with obesity, excess alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise. Together, Vivek Murthy)

According to him, three different loneliness, Intimate, Relational, and Collective loneliness. Intimate, or emotional, loneliness is the longing for a close confidante or intimate partner—someone with whom you share a deep mutual bond of affection and trust. Relational, or social, loneliness is the yearning for quality friendships and social companionship and support. Collective loneliness is the hunger for a network or community of people who share your sense of purpose and interests. He is saying even if you are experiencing 1 out 3, you are still experiencing loneliness.

Pretty much the solution is to value your friendship and take care of the people is matter to you. Even if you are not around them, call them regularly. Make them feel they are important to you. One practical suggestion in the book, instead of voice calling he says do video call. Because when you are doing video calls, you can’t reply to your emails or do something else. (You devote that 2-5 minutes for only that person)

Everybody is struggling

Everybody is struggling. Yes, some of us lucky to have friends and family to share what we are dealing with, some of us alone in the crowd.

But, either we share or not, we are all struggling to figure out what we will do in our business life, relationship with our kids, financial goals, etc.

I felt we should all have 1-2 people in our life; we can be vulnerable, weak be ourselves around those people. No filter, no mask. Just be a real version of ourselves.


Seasons are changing every three to four months. At least in California. Now, it is getting cold, so we already turned on the heater a couple of weeks ago.

Our backyard fulls of yellow/amber colors of leaves. They served their duty during the spring and summer. We know that those green leaves will come back. We will sit down again under those trees and enjoy their shadows during the hot days.

Like nature, some of the friends, ideas, and trends are seasonal; some of them all seasons. We should ask, what do we have seasonal or all seasons?

Still or Sparkling?

When you go to a restaurant, If you hear, “Would you like to have still or sparkling? What will you answer?

Yes, either Still or Sparkling because the question includes a directed answer*.

You don’t even think something else such as “ Tap Water” (Free Water).

I sometimes say “ California Water,” which is a fancy way to ask for tap water. If I am in New York, I say New York Water:) (You guys should try it:)

We humans having a hard time answering those questions with unexpected answers. That is why “experts” are leading our problem and solutions using via advertising channels and marketing platforms and telling us “what we really want” instead of “what we need”

I need “free” water.


*As Nassim Nicholas Taleb remarks, ‘the way a question is phrased is itself information.’

Giving Away Score

I love giving it away. Every time I shared something with someone I feel so accomplished. It completes me.

I keep thinking from time to time about what can I give more?

Yes, we all need to pay our bills and keep the roof on our heads but still, nothing is more profound than sharing, giving away than in this life.

I think everyone should have some sort of personal “Giving Away Score” to ask/remind themselves every couple of months. Am I sharing enough? And then give a score from 0-5

Where do we can start?

  • Physical Sharing: Donating your unused or rarely used items, sending a gift to someone, or saying good words to your spouses or kids

  • Knowledge Sharing: On your social media channels, you can share what you learn recently. Example: It can be a new food recipe, a book u liked, new places you visited recently (pretty much the sky is the limit)



It is not about how fast (fast=speed) you are going where you want to achieve. It is all about where are you going? (movement = velocity)

Are you going in the right direction?

Yes, moving fast is amazing. However, you might end up losing so many important things for you, such as family, mental and physical health.

As long as you are going in the right direction, Go a moderate way. Adjust your speed depends on the situation.

If the wind is in your favor, move faster. If not, get ready for the storm, be prepared!

Your job is to stay in the game. It doesn’t matter moving slow or fast. As long as you are in the right direction.

Playing the long game

People often overestimate what they can accomplish in one year. But they greatly underestimate what they could accomplish in five years. — Peter Drucker…

Understanding everything you do is working something greater in long run. Any decision we are making should serve our long game. A long game is a game you are playing with yourself. No competition, no comparing to others needed.

The longer you are staying in the game (technically, you should stick on your game), it creates the compound effect. You will grow slowly but real.

In this game, no shortcut no fast gain. Anybody is promising you “HUGE” rewards, in the short game, those are lying to you. Taking the first steps of the longer game most of the time is so hard. Such as: sticking on a healthy diet or reading a book every day. It does not look so exciting in the beginning. However, your consequences, in the long run, is incredibly rewarding: Healthy Body, Building Great Knowledge Pool

Don’t forget, In every decision we make or action we take, we’re either playing the long game or playing the short game. (Sam Kyle, Playing the Long Game)

Shortcuts make long delays. ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring…