Depends on where you sit

If someone asks your opinion “How high those mountains they appearing on the horizon”? What will be your answer?

Depends on where you sit? If you are driving, you are probably going to answer something totally different than the person who is on the boat.

Decision making is the same. Depends on where you grow up, who is your parents, when you born (the 80s, 90s, or millennials), and goes on.

More you see repeating patterns you might think you figured out what is going on. Still, Investor, Michael Batnick says, “some lessons have to be experienced before they can be understood.”

The fear of making something lame

The fear of making something lame is holding a lot of people not to even try it. Why?

They are worried about a lot of outcomes. They think what others think about them. They suffer in their imagination more than in reality.

Also, people around them not really the right people to give them the right feedback. Sometimes over encouraging or demotivating.

A lot of great examples of successful people’s lives full of lame projects early in their careers. Each lame project is the best way to learn what is the taste of lame. Later on, at least you know what you should change.

No one thinks about you more than you

I always tell myself, “Life is one player game” Even if it does look like a multiplayer, you are still responsible for all your decisions. After I heard a more simplified version of my statement from Morgan Housel, “ No one thinks about you more than You.” This is brilliant.

Anything we do, deep down, we want to impress others. Or at least keeping up with them. They do, we do. They go, we go. Why? We want them to think we are cool, worthy, etc.

Literally, no one gives a f*ck about us more than we. We think they do, but they don’t. Your mind is all about you. What have you done, what you will do, what they think about you, what they are going to say to you?

You only think yourself, how come they can think mostly you? This is not depressing. This is actually a relief. It means we are all the same.

We are sync.

Everyone is watching the same Netflix shows.

Everyone is listening to the same Spotify top artists.

Everyone is following the same Instagram influencers.

Everyone is reading the same The New York Best Sellers List.

The list goes on and on…

Anything we consume is almost Free. Netflix & Spotify what they are charging for monthly subscription prices are equal to one CD album or DVD price (2010s prices)

We are sync. Anything goes viral locally, Goes GLOBAL instantly.

The house you were born

The house you were born in is your future. Whatever you saw there, it will turn to be the source code of your future actions. Pretty much your destiny.

Some bad experiences might be turned a good outcome for you. You used them as a stepping point. You had learned to keep your feelings to yourself, perhaps not even acknowledging them to yourself. You don’t know what” normal” is because your normal is: Your House.

Your friends? You might have played with them, but you didn’ feel you were one of them because your house is totally different than theirs.

Places I have lived the last Years.

I have never lived in one place for more than a year in the last 9 years until the current house where I am living now.

2011: I moved to San Francisco and lived in Alameda/Berkeley for about 6 months

2012: 6 months Union City- 6 months Santa Clara

2013: 6 months Santa Clara- 9 months Burlingame

2014: Mid 2014-San Francisco Apartment 9th & Market

2015: Mid 2015-San Francisco Apartment Hayes & Van Ness

2016: Mid 2016-Airbnbs and Hotels in SF, Europe

2017: Full Year: Airbnb and Hotels in SF, Europe, LA, and Tokyo

2017: November, SF Apartment in Folsom & Fremont

2018: August, Same Apartment in Folsom & Fremont different floor:)

2019: August San Mateo House and still living there.

16+Months are my longest so far. And, every new day, I am breaking my personal record:)

Here is the map for People who are not familiar with the Bay Area. Literally, I have lived in almost every part of Bay. (East Bay, South Bay, Peninsula, and The City)

Chamath Palihapitiya & SPAC

The last couple of weeks keep hearing SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company ). I was asking myself what is that? According to Wikipedia, special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), is a “blank check” shell corporation designed to take companies public without going through the traditional IPO process.SPACs allow retail investors to invest in private equity-type transactions, particularly leveraged buyouts. That is basically the back door of taking companies to IPO (Initial Public Offering), Going Public.

And, one guy Chamath Palihapitiya (CEO-Social Capital) is taking this mission so seriously. Already took Virgin Galactic to Public. Then Opendoor and last recently Clover Health. He is literally was my only topic this weekend. I watched him at least 10 videos about SPAC and new capital allocation plans. I really like the way he is thinking about VCs, Growth, and big problems. He is definitely touching the part of my brain I never used it before. He is all about talking “Long term, Grow Slow, Grow Real”.

Twitter avatar for @aykutwsAykut Karaalioglu @aykutws

Yesterday, I watched @chamath‘s interview with @ShaneAParrish. Today, I am re-watching with transcripts in front of me. It is been a long time didn’t get inspired by someone that much. That’s why I’m dedicating my entire free time to read/watch anything related to @chamath

I’ll write in a couple of months, what I learned from him so far.

Mental agility

Being curious and learning a little bit about everything makes you a mentally agile person. You can easily connect the dots and explain the hardest situations to others in a very simple way. The best exercise is to read as many as you can. It doesn’t matter what you read just read the first interesting topics later on you can move to sophisticated topics.


When is the due date?

How long are you going to ignore it? You are sinking don’t you get it?

You better get up and start to save your ass. Delay is the deadliest form of denial.

All you need “one” project

Yes, Anything you want to learn, you can learn by starting a “one” project. Nothing needs to scare you.

Let’s say you want to learn how e-commerce sites work. Amazing! Join someone who is already building in it at the early-stage level and involve almost everything. If you get paid for that work, that is a bonus. If you don’t, you still learn tons.

Or, start your own one: High risk, High return. (I don’t recommend this for everyone). If it is the first job, you most likely fail, but you will still learn significantly more than working for someone.

As I said, there is nothing that is rocket science. All you gotta do pick something, anything. And start doing it. More dig it, more you learn. And more you learn, the you can able to deeper understanding.

After one project, you will relatively not new to the field of your desire. Then you will keep iterate, iterate, and iterate….