Which tribe do you belong to?
You probably never heard this question or will hear it because no one needs to ask you. Our brain calculates every possible result on the background whenever you came across someone. You don’t even need to hear “one” word. You have a superpower: Fully automated decision models. Those models are designed by “YOU?”
What are the data sources of your “superpower”? Such as fake news, cultural norms & bias, religion, socioeconomic environment, New York Times Best Seller List, Netflix Top Movies, Youtube Suggested Videos, etc. You see how much designed by “YOU?”
We are automatically part of many tribes without even filling out their membership forms. Your country, your state, skin color, ethnicity, what you wear, people you follow, what you write, who you vote, what you share, and many more.
And, we pay our dues every day to keep our memberships active. Tribes are interesting. Can’t easy to say they are always leading to bad outcomes. The most obvious benefit is “you are not lost” at the beginning of your journey. Later on, you might not satisfy what you have and look for bigger or better tribes. And go on and on….
Or try to create your own one?
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