What got you here won’t get you there.

Now, time to learn new things. Try new ways. Maybe time to change your circle. This is a new game, a new phase. What got you here won’t get you there.

You are building your new house. This is definitely going to have a sort of inspiration from your old ones. But, this is a new chapter. Time to move on. Open yourself to new opportunities. New ideas.

Which tribe do you belong to?

Which tribe do you belong to?

You probably never heard this question or will hear it because no one needs to ask you. Our brain calculates every possible result on the background whenever you came across someone. You don’t even need to hear “one” word. You have a superpower: Fully automated decision models. Those models are designed by “YOU?

What are the data sources of your “superpower”? Such as fake news, cultural norms & bias, religion, socioeconomic environment, New York Times Best Seller List, Netflix Top Movies, Youtube Suggested Videos, etc. You see how much designed by “YOU?”

We are automatically part of many tribes without even filling out their membership forms. Your country, your state, skin color, ethnicity, what you wear, people you follow, what you write, who you vote, what you share, and many more.

And, we pay our dues every day to keep our memberships active. Tribes are interesting. Can’t easy to say they are always leading to bad outcomes. The most obvious benefit is “you are not lost” at the beginning of your journey. Later on, you might not satisfy what you have and look for bigger or better tribes. And go on and on….

Or try to create your own one?

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Filter is Power

We can literally filter anything we want to watch, hear, or read. You don’t need to answer any call you want. Or, mute people who are in your circle not to see their post on social media. You can hide any keywords on twitter whatever is not helping your mood.

Technically you should heads up and see what is under your control or not. If it is under your control, you better filter it. Create your own “filter bubble

Feeling alright

I think I had some sort of allergy post wisdom teeth surgery. Can’t eat at all. Nausea, headache and dizziness. I think I’m overall little better than yesterday .

I believe I’ll be much better tomorrow


What drives people to be successful?




I think they are all important. But, the biggest catalyst is Discipline.

Do every day. No matter what happens unless you can’t do physically (either you are in the hospital or similar situation.)


Note: I don’t feel good post wisdom teeth extraction. I had to sleep all day:( Sorry for the late post of the day.

Wisdom Teeth

Why Are They Called “Wisdom” Teeth?

Wisdom teeth appear between ages 17 and 25. Technically you are entering adulthood.

Today, my long friends, three wisdom teeth of mine gone for good. Used to go scared to the dentist. Last couple of years I got better but still little bit hesitant to go. Anyway, they put to sleep before the procedure, and when I woke up, Voila! they were gone.

True wisdom: When I know myself, I know others. When I master myself, I don’t need to master others. Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu

I’m on vacation

Yes, I’m on vacation. But, I didn’t go anywhere.

I just changed my space. I asked myself what I really like to go to places?

Listed all of them on my mind. One of them is “working at the coffee shop”

So, We have a coffee shop nearby in our house also they have a good outdoor spot reminding me of Europe. Bingo! Now, I feel I’m on vacation.


Emotions are Contagious

You can transfer emotions to another person. Also, they can transfer to you too.

If you felt energized and ready to take on the world yesterday and feel despondent and hopeless today, it may very well be related to the social media posts selected by your news-feed algorithm. (A Human’s Guide to Machine Intelligence)

Your emotions and feelings are playing a crucial role in your life. Be careful, what you read, watch and listen on social media. Maybe you have great family and friends around you still you are vulnerable in virtual life.

September’s Top Books

1. Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal by Naom Chomsky.

I think I don’t need to explain how important Naom Chomsky’s contribution to our intellectual life and society last 50 years. I started to read him while I was in college. The latest book of his is underlying what needs to be done (ASAP) about Climate Crisis before it is too late. Short read definitely interesting (4/5)

2. A Human’s Guide to Machine Intelligence by Kartik Hosanagar

It is great for starting to understand the basics of AI and Machine Learning. Kartik’s personal contribution to the field definitely makes it interesting. (4/5)

3. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

I am a big fan of Morgan Housel. Whatever he wrote his blog on Collaborative Fund is always interesting to me. I think I highlight a minimum of 40 places in his book. It is fun to learn about the psychology of money. I wish this book was published 10 years ago:) (5/5)


August’s Top 3 Books

July’s Top 3 Books

June’s Top 3 Books

May’s Top 3 Books

April’s Top 3 Books

March’s Top 3 Books

February’s Top 3 Books

January’s Top 3 Books

Skin in the game & Ralph Nader

Skin in the game term first came across with me Nassim Taleb’s famous book Skin in the Game. Yesterday, I reread my notes from the book I highlighted. I found Nassim dedicated his book to Ralph Nader. I said who is this guy? Did a little bit of research about Ralph Nader and found out who is a famous consumer activist and devoted his life to fighting against giants companies to make ordinary people’s lives better.

Nassim and Ralph both are Lebanese. Ralph’s family came to the USA early 1910s. His entire family (mom, dad, and his sisters) is a civic activist and thinker. I’m going to watch his documentary for sure next following days. That is an amazing life story. Immigrant’s son from Lebanon fought General Motors’ the early 1960s to protect American consumers against the fragile cars which were not safe at all to drive. And saved hundreds of thousands of lives after his efforts last 3-4 decades.

I asked myself What if Ralph’s parents didn’t immigrate to the USA?