
What are our responsibilities?

Depends on what are you doing.

Minimum level, You are responsible for yourself. You need to take care of your mental and phsycial health. Then, you might wanna grow or settle or something else.

Whatever you are doing it is adding or reducing your responsibilities.

Think about next time when you start something “Am I adding more responsibilities on my plate or eliminating?”

Best investment

Back in time, one of my Instagram followers asked me those AMA(Ask Me Anything) sessions: “Where we should invest”? I said to him: “Yourself”. That is far the best investment. A hundred percent guarantee you can get your money back with profits.


Who are invaluable to you?

Your family? People you love who also love you?
What are invaluable things to you ?

Your reputation? Your financial freedom?

Be make sure don’t harm and risk those invaluable assets and people.

You need to make sure what is enough for you.

Hedonic treadmill

Hedonic treadmill basically means asking and wanting more and more. Never stop till winning. Expecting more you gain more happiness will come to you.

Thousands of product designers, industrialist, marketer simply have devoted their lives to make you feel “more is our true desire”

Pretty much we don’t know what is our addictions or motivation’s sources. They might be heavily modified by Ads or Society pressure.

Don’t judge yourself

You didn’t choose to be born where you born

You didn’t pick your parents.

You didn’t even make a decision where you wanted to go to school most of the time.

You had to follow some routes which are preoccupied with your mind by society.

At least now you know. The past is the past. The future honestly can be bright or not. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Try to live in harmony with things around you. Don’t judge anybody and yourself. Just accept them.

Live & Learn

You might have heard Work & Travel or Work & Study programs. These are pre-packages that are very helpful for first-timers. You know what you can and can’t. Easy to ask and learn :

  • What are my options?

  • Who else has done it?

  • What will be outcome look like?

For Live & Learn, we are all in this package since we were born. Some of us really aware of what is going on around us, some of us take 50-60 years to understand.

This is the package you can do anything you want. Even if your parents or family set something for you, still you will make the decision at the end of the day. You gotta Live & Learn on your time.

Small wins game

What have you accomplished last week?

Was it a big or small one?

Wins are fundamental success factors in our life. It helps you grow exponentially. Start with small. You can get used to winning. Small wins drive you to big ones.

Think like this way, one small success from here, another from there. You will end up with multiple small wins to take you next level. Let’s visualize this.

Give a score anything you did makes you feel good. Between 1-5

  • Walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator: 2

  • Drinking water instead of diet coke : 3

  • Coffee without sugar or milk 4

  • Taking care of dishes 5 (I know this is a big win for every family)

If you add them one by one in a couple of weeks you will end up such a huge winning score. (Pretty much I multiple them: 2X3X4X5X…… ) You will addicted to scoring. And never go to back to losing game.

Note: Do one small feel-good thing every day. This is your game. You will win anyway small or big.

Itzhak Perlman & Classical Music

I like classical music since high school English prep class. Our English teacher was a quiet character. He had a different way to explain and teach the lesson.

I remember one of his explanations. He was trying to teach us the difference between “jump over” to “jump into”. He literally opened the window and jump into the grass which was around 2-3 feet far to the classroom window.

He liked Vivaldi a lot. Whenever we were doing a reading assignment, he was playing Vivaldi’s four seasons. I asked him to give me his cassette tape for a copy. He did it. I believe I “forgot” to return him:)

Anyway since that time, I am always amazed by classical music. I can not say I’m an expert but I enjoy listening especially driving a car myself. Yesterday, I discovered Itzhak Perlman by chance. He is an exceptional violinist. (he contracted polio age of four and couldn’t walk since that time). Please listen to his masterpiece whenever you have time this weekend.