No audience

I am reading these days the writers who were really misunderstood or invisible by their peers or society during their time. A couple of decades later, their ideas have grown from seed to big trees. Now, some of them called “the best poet in the 20th century” or “ the man who changed modern economic theory” etc.

Most of them had little or no audience while they were living. What makes them keep doing what they were doing? I honestly don’t know very well. Probably their passion and dedication to bigger causes.

Audience, fans, subscribers, or followers are not only indicators of success. Having them around you is not something you can really control. If you have, good for you. If not you don’t need them. When you first started to create, they were not there anyway. Don’t forget your mission.

Finding alternatives

I saw today the real estate office on San Mateo Downtown converted themselves as a coffee shop. The location they are in next to a popular bakery most of the time huge line up to in front of them.

So, these hards days, they had to adapt and find them new alternatives. I think the idea is while you are waiting at a huge line, get a coffee from them. Smart


You are doing all calculations based on what do you know. Any estimation for future forecasting is going to be unknown until you know.

Rather than spending full estimation/projection, focus on execution.

Execute then iterate it. Then execute again. Don’t satisfy the first results

Limited time

Why are we spending our most valuable item (time) without really thinking?

Like something we will never run out of it.

Why? Because we don’t even have a chance to think about it. We are all busy.

Screens are our new part of our bodies. I wish they can automatically lock itself and can not open till next time. (It should automatically calculate how much I need a phone, computer, or TV for work or social life)

Carnegie Libraries

I am sure you guys heard Carnegie Mellon University or Carnegie Hall. Those are started or initiated by Andrew Carnegie who was a businessman, philanthropist in the late 19th century and became one of the richest Americans in history.

He also started libraries all over the U.S, Europe, Australia, and many other places. Total libraries around 2509 between 1883 and 1929.

I didn’t know anything about Carnegie Libraries till today morning. We are visiting a small town (Healdsburg) in northern California. I checked what’s nearby places to visit then found Healdsburg Museum which was a Carnegie Library before.

All I did a couple of google map/ browser search. You will surprise when you are curious about what’s the background story of everyday items.

I shot this picture 7am today


You are going through many places in your life. Some of them you have been a lot of times some of them only once. Do you know which place is calling you ? What is your go to places? Who is your soulmate to join your journey?

If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. —YOGI BERRA

Share publicly

Whatever is important to you, just share it publicly. What you know doesn’t mean it everybody knows it. Your agenda should be their agenda. If you are not physically around them, at least they can access it easily.

More they know, more they can contribute it.

Stock market

I feel everyone is these days talking about the Stock Market. What is going on outperforming Tech Stocks etc? Are we in another bubble or that is some sort of expected growth trajectory?

I believe in long-term plans. Long term relationship. Long term outcome.

Thinking about a short time it is all about short-term gains and losses. That is not sustainable and healthy.


I started recording again on Youtube. Check out my latest video about Why people are moving out of Silicon Valley?

August’s Top Books

1.Caste The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

I learned how much I little know about African-American’s history in America. (5/5)

2. Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World by Peter Zeihan

Initially interested in the read-only Turkey chapter later read other countries. (3/5)

3. An American Family: A Memoir of Hope and Sacrifice by Khazir Khan

About a family who immigrated from Pakistan to the USA. (4/5)


July’s Top 3 Books

June’s Top 3 Books

May’s Top 3 Books

April’s Top 3 Books

March’s Top 3 Books

February’s Top 3 Books

January’s Top 3 Books