
You need to blend yourself with other cultures, values, and norms. Why?

Because you need others. When you are growing up mono-culture countries. You always think you are the best in everything. So, you don’t know anything except yourself. And thinking the rest of the world is against you. That’s why you have to protect your old values. (very ill thinking)

You can’t be the best everything. Blend yourself. You will surprise how amazing will be new recipes.

Still we are comparing

Oh yeah I know, you might be going to say “ No, I stopped comparing myself to others”. Still deep down, yes I can feel it “We are comparing”.

I don’t know this is might be not a bad thing at all. If you are still growing stage ( I think everyone will be growing stage all the time), it is healthy to have a benchmark to check out how you are doing among your peers.

Social media, unlimited career & life options (globalism), and our friends & family are putting us on rat race anyway. At least you should aware of what’s going on around you and pick who you want to compare yourself.

Live your life

How do you live your life?

Just do something you really want to do. Period.

Start something or be part of something you can work for them or that person even if you don’t get paid. If they pay that’s amazing:)

Don’t expect from anyone. Always push forward yourself with your own dreams.

Don’t mix your dreams with others. Find mutual ones and live your life.


Whatever you are ignoring is not going away. You either solve it or expect the consequences.

If you can’t do it yourself, just talk with someone who at least knows what is going on with you. It helps a lot believe me!


You can’t change their decision. All you can do be the best version of yourself.

If they reject you, don’t take it personally. They don’t reject you. They reject what you are selling.

Number of employees

The number of employees is not a good indicator of how you are doing. More people are not necessary you are delivering more results or generating revenue. Don’t need to be proud of it. Most importantly you should remind yourself :

“Where should we optimize with existing members to hit our goals”?

Life stories

I enjoy to read and listen life stories. No matter who they are. When I was young, loved to spending a time to reading encyclopedias. Problem is that we didn’t have any encyclopedia at home. Somehow my parents didn’t get it. So I was borrowing from our neighbors. That’s why I had on my limited time all I did reading random important people’s lives before they asked to return their encyclopedias back.

Thanks to Wikipedia, YouTube and other sources, now we can learn anything about anybody. Still I have same childish excitement when I check random things or reading bibliography.

My Shazam Tracks

Accidently yesterday, I synced my Spotify with my shazam tracks. Those tracks I shazamed them since 2012. (494 Tracks, 30h 42m)

I listen to various music. I love ethnic music, Balkan music, the 60s & 70s, also Turkish 90s Pop, Classical Music, Turkish RAP, Deep House, HipHop Disco, and Mixes, etc. I can’t say no any good music. For me, either words or melody needs to catch me.

Music is huge to me. If you tell me what do you like I mostly find 1-2 tracks you might like it. I can work for you as a recommend song algorithm. Also if you share with me your playlist like my shazam tracks, I can definitely get an idea who you are and try to find a pattern and signals.

I would love to create tracks and listen to my music. If you guys are already in the music world, let me know.

No, I don’t snore!

Yeah nobody accepts that they are snoring. You need to either record or not happen. Snoring if it is not a common thing, that is most likely happen some sorts of related events such as: being so tired, changing the bed, drinking too much, etc. If someone is telling us we are snoring, instead of ignoring; we should accept and learn why and how that happens.

We can use the same exercise for everything. If our close friends or family are telling something we don’t see or hear, instead of shutting them up, maybe push ourselves to listen to them patiently. We can’t see and figure out everything ourselves.

Contribute vs Provide

Many immigrants who left their home countries to other places had one goal: “Provide”. They have family back home so they need to provide them a good life which was not available while they were there. They struggled and paid huge emotional debt for one thing: “My family must have better than I have” On the other hand, the last thing to do “contribute” to a society where they migrated. Why?

Because they think this situation is temporary. Within 5 years or a maximum of 10 years, they’ll go back with enough assets till the rest of their life.

Even if their all family live in the same roof with a comfortable life, still they are waiting one day to go back. That’s why their mind is more focus provide then contribute. Most of them don’t even speak of the country’s language properly.

If you don’t contribute to your society, you can’t be part of it. If you don’t be part of it, you are invisible to them.