
I watched a movie called “Detour” (1945). It was amazing. Honestly, can’t describe how lucky we are. The time we are living includes crazy ups and downs. However, having access literally anything we want to watch, read, or learn is mind-blowing. Sitting at my couch watching a movie produced 75 years ago is like a time-traveling to me. Maybe I’m exaggerating.

Driving with no music

Today, I drove around 1.5 hours long drive without any music, podcast etc. It was amazing. Definitely recommend it! I felt like a meditation. Gave me a chance to observe nature around me also I was not passing through the road, I was also inhaling all the energy.

You need to wake up

If you want to sleep well and also make money while you are sleeping, you need to make sure whatever you do works smoothly. If it is not, you have to wake up the middle of your sleep. It is what it is.


I never heard Okapi word till 30 minutes ago. I turned on the TV and accidentally watched a short video of Okapis.

Okapi | mammal | Britannica

First I thought that is a mixed animal (Giraffe & Zebra combination). It was not. It is actually a known rainforest giraffe. I’m glad I learned something new today. Have you heard them before?

Read something you interested in

I started a book yesterday (I’ll share this book my top 3 books on this book in a couple of days) and can’t stop reading the last 12 hours. Life is too short to read boring books. Read-only the books you like it.

What if you started something it was great then turned to be repeating all over?

– Just drop that one and move on the new one

Read something you interested in

Where do u want to live?

A lot of people are asking me this question lately. Probably they think I’m not from Bay Area that’s why they are asking. They don’t mean I should leave USA:) Many young couples are moving to Austin, Denver or Detroit for many reasons. Most of them they go back where they from or finding an excuse to leave beatiful California.

I honestly don’t know the answer. I’m happy for now where I live. As you guys know I am big fan of based on one place and travel mostly summers

Walk and talk

I started to see my friends slowly last couple weeks for a walk. I like walking with someone especially if you have things to share and learn. It’s very helpful a) you don’t check phone because u are busy for walking and listening/talking b) If you are walking on the nature sometimes walking yourself can be boring after a while. So having someone with you, definitely makes you walk further.

Once enough

I watched a great documentary about a guy who never athletic or did any sport. He suddenly lost his mom and dedicated his time to running the ultramarathon. Definitely recommend it. In this documentary something made me think so much: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”

I need to think about this …

Focus project

When you are busy, a lot of things are happening at the same time. You need to really ask yourself “ Is this really I need to do or I’m doing because nothing else to do”. It is better nothing else to do than doing something stupid. What’s your focus project these days? The reason I’m asking these days because I believe every quarter or every year you need to focus on your focus project. That’s the one you are going to most responsible for it. For ex: If you are running a company, you need to fix 1 or 2 problems every quarter. Don’t try to do everything the same time, because you can’t.


Since 7 am today, I am mentally & physically working until probably another couple of hours. Why am I doing this to me?

Because I love it. Is it sustainable?

I think so. Why shouldn’t it?

I love watching and reading other successful people’s biographies. Most of them they just did what they love to do. Never count how long they worked or not. Honestly, I am telling every single my friend or people who follow, please please and please stop doing what you don’t want to do it. Maybe a couple months or years you will struggle then you will get a huge reward. As long as you are doing your dream, that is the biggest motivation to keep yourself up & running.