Knowing someone’s business

It is easy to do that. All you need to know:

  • Do your homework well.

  • Don’t ask a question you can google it and find it.

  • Spend time and find the best insights & findings that might not aware of it. Even if they are aware of it, that still shows that you spend time on them.

  • Find relevant use-cases and example something similar to their type of business.

  • Read their top executives Linkedin or Twitter posts. Understand what type of companies they are. What is their mission or go-to marketing strategy these days?

  • Check their top competitors just googling “XYZ competitors” and do the top 5 things on the above I listed at least their top 3 competitors.

You are all set. Now, you know their business maybe more than themselves. Because sometimes companies especially bigger scale they are super focused on their specific verticals. If you are talking Product person from your prospect client, they might not even know what their marketing does.

Taking to next level

What’s the next level for you?

Everyone’s and every organization’s next level is different than each other. Sometimes one person or customer can take you next level. Sometimes one word or moment triggers you to move the next phase of your life.

These days what I’m working on, I feel it is going to take us next level. Yeah, no one is expecting this transition is going to be so easy. That’s all right. I’ll try to make it as smooth as I can.

Business as usual

Yesterday, I visited Burlingame downtown, it looks like business as usual(it is actually better). We were checking some of the restaurants which are not really popular pre-Corona days, now they were packed. Literally, people are appreciating anything open and serve whatever they have.

It looks like as long as people access food via restaurant or groceries, life at least will go on. Business? depends on what you are doing. But, society and people are so adoptive anyway since homo sapiens. If you don’t adapt, you won’t survive

People who talk, People who execute

You probably have people around you who have an idea for everything, also they share their opinions about almost anything (without even asking their point of view:)), however, all they do TALK

On the other side, others who try their best to execute. Instead of sharing how they will accomplish their goals, dropping names, or their past accomplishments, they just Do It. ( We have saying in Turkish, az laf, çok iş (less talk, more work) I love those people. When people who are reaching out to me to get my opinion about their works or try to get help from me, all I look, Is that person doer or talker?

Writing every day for months

“Ah, just a six month, what is a big deal” Tell me about it:)

Some days I didn’t have any motivation to say even say “Hi” but still wrote it here. I think I felt even one person who is waiting an email from me, that’s worth it to keep writing.

Thank you, 360+ daily readers. I know reading myself even every day doesn’t so interesting from time to time. I wish substack has an option to set the email frequencies like daily/weekly/biweekly etc.

I am planning to write at least the next 6 more (Yes, every day) months then we will see what’s going to happen. Thank you again for reading my post whichever frequency you are reading or not subscribed yet but still reading via visiting whenever you want to check out. (I know who you are:)

Find the right motivation

If you are dealing with the people day to day operations, you should ask them directly or indirectly “ What’s your motivation?”

Maybe, you are trying to push them the wrong path which is technically the right path to you but not for them. That’s why you need really know their motivation so well.

No excuse

There is no excuse. I don’t want to hear your excuses. If I want to hear your excuses, I can find better excuses for you.

All I want to see results, no excuses.

What’s your KPI?

KPI means a key performance indicator. Your KPI pretty much is how you are doing during the specific timeline. Anything you do within that organization should be match and related to your KPI.

Especially startups are either struggling to find the right KPIs for team members or not motivate them well. Either way, you should ask yourself “ What’s my KPI”? If you don’t have a clear one, create your own and share it with your boss. Tell that should be my KPI. I am a big believer in “What do you think or What do you suggest” questions.


I always want to drive Highway 1 from SF to LA. Never had enough time. Yesterday, we drove to Big Sur on Highway 1 that is a magical place. I can’t describe enough words. I wish I didn’t wait that long to drive full Highway 1. Even a couple of hundred miles for a single trip can change your perspective tremendously.

Note: Also, I talked about why California doesn’t have outdoor seating & patios enough. I’m surprised how much Highway 1 offers outdoor eating & drinking experiences. If you are passionate enough to drive 100 miles from SF Bay Area, you can definitely find cool spots.

Use cases

Whatever you are building, you need to explain to users “where they use it for?” In short, use cases should be very clear.

You are selling ideas and vision. If they figure out how to use it, they will get that outcome.

For example: If you are selling Mobile AD Intelligence ( voice of share of any ad networks), you need a list for use cases for every single industry and people who might be interested in it. After they start to use it, you will expand those use cases learning by their usage. Maybe they are doing something you can’t even imagine it.

You don’t need to explain to every single client why they should have this solution. All you gotta share their peers’ use cases (how others already utilizing it). For example: If you are talking Health & Fitness app size of company 25-50 people who are making spending yearly $5-10M for User Acquisition based in San Francisco, you should get ready to share the top 5 relevant use cases for that client.

Use cases should include social proof ( logos for each vertical), testimonials, and best practices.