Growth Zone

Growth is my word. I love to observe companies or individual’s growth journies. Especially the ones somehow I can either help or advise it. Even if we as a company ( MobileAction or help our users, We feel be part of their growth. We always say “They should grow first with our platform. When They Grow, We Grow”

I really believe Personal Growth is a continuous process. You should not retire of it. When you say you are done, That’s the day your growth stopped. The good thing about Personal Growth, your limit is literally is YOU.

When you ask anyone, “ Do you want to grow your business?” or “Do you want to learn new skill or hobby?” Almost all of them say: YES. But, in reality, very few of them actually are working so hard the creating their “Personal Growth Zone”. When I say “Zone” I mean pretty much they have laser focus for their “Growth”. No distraction, no bullshit. All about thinking “How can I be better than yesterday?”. The mentality is key. You can’t grow every day. I know. You know too.

I wish we have a growth tracker like something similar to step tracking apps. But, still, you can easily cut all the distractions from your life, even if you don’t see tangible growth on the side you want to grow, at least you are right track for eliminating all the noise in your daily life.

Please check today what distracts you or your company. If you still struggling, Reply to this email. I’ll help you to find the right questions to “ask” yourself.

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Being Remembered

Being remembered is one of the key motivations for almost everyone. They want to build a legacy and being remembered in a good way.

Sometimes, It doesn’t matter how hard you try, you can not change other’s opinion. This is also a very subjective topic. There are no hardline or written rules to be liked by everyone. On many occasions, you can not even break your own bias.

Let’s say, you will be remembered by millions of people. Every house will a picture of you. People will name their kids after you. Let’s go extreme, they will celebrate your birthday for hundreds of years. (Most of the cases very famous people will be forgotten after 2, maximum 3 generations. Look at the people early 20th Century, how many of them still be remembered? ). So?

You will be long gone, my friend. Does it really matter to be remembered?

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Doing your best

Don’t judge yourself…

Keep your options open.

Love yourself…

Don’t burn your bridges.

Be Kind.

Motivate yourself. Keep pushing your inner power…

Stay active. Don’t complain.

Find your reason for being YOU….

And, Be Nice.

You are not alone. We are all struggling. At least try…. And, Do Your Best as You Can



I don’t know why Hummingbirds always remind me, Hemingway. Somehow I thought Hemingway named them “Hummingbirds” :)))

I never saw Hummingbird until I moved to California. Last 6-7 months, I can observe them more closely. Because our backyard garden is one of their coolest spots. Various of them come and go.

Image result for hummingbird

You might figure out they are insanely flapping their wings. (they go average 40-50mph) And, They are always looking for sweet nectars. That makes me think and research about them. I figure out they have so much commonality with human beings. Especially their sugar addiction. They can’t stop themselves eating all day long. Aren’t we hungry all the time? Even if we are full. We always want more like their constantly working wings. Without having a chance to think “Do we really need it”?

If you have time today, watch fascinating facts about Hummingbird

Reading Fiction Again

I think I read most of my fiction books when I was in high school. Our library includes more than 10,000+ books. I was in love with it. But, we have a small problem. Librarian let us only get two books at the same time. I really love to have all the books I want all in and wanted to keep in my dorm room. Also, if I didn’t take those books earlier than my friend, I need to go to the library and check every day to ask the books which I wanted to read is available or not. Long story short, I was stealing 2-3 extra books every time I was borrowing a new book. How I did that? Whenever our librarian turned back, I was putting books inside of my jacket or sweaters.

After high school, I was in more into Non-Fiction or Textbooks. I also couldn’t find any book, it was interesting to me. I always say “ If the books are interesting to you after reading 1-2 chapters it doesn’t matter what it is, just keep reading it”. You probably finish within a couple of hours or a day. So, It’s better to read anything than nothing.

These days, I came up a new idea. I’ll keep my non-fiction books as an ebook format. Those mostly reference books to me. I need to read either a couple of chapters from them or from time to time I need to visit them. I can’t keep all of them with me. So, having them on my Kindle (1) is way easier for me. On the other hand, I want to go back hardcopy with fiction books. It is also like owning a souvenir to me. It is great to have them nearby. It’s fun. You can read them before going to sleep. Instead of looking screen after all day long, that’s healthier. Another benefit, reading fiction books before going sleep, make u sleep better. Because your mind is going places or dreaming while reading.

So, I used to read a lot of non-Turkish writer’s fiction books. Now, I am picking up again. I try to read fiction books mostly written in the late 70s or 80s. If the book is still good and people keep reading after that long time that means I should read it. I don’t like long pages. I like either short stories or 150-200 pages of fiction books.

I just discovered Raymond Carver while I was listening to David Sedaris’s podcast. Raymond is considered to be one of America’s greatest writers. He was well-known for the creator of Minimalist Fiction. So, anything related minimalism can attract to me. I started his book“Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?” today. Already halfway through. I feel so good. He wrote so clean, minimal and easy to read it. I definitely recommend it. If you have a book recommendation fit on my criteria, please let me know.

(1)I don’t use a Kindle device, I have a dedicated iPad. It has only one app. That’s the Kindle App. I know pretty luxury:)

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Main Thing

What’s our main thing?

What are we going to solve?

Why are we distracted many times instead of doing “essential” things?

I think the best way to be effective and essential: Say No!

We want to be known “ oh, he helps everyone”, he never said, “No to me”. Why are worried about too much to be liked? Do you really want to accomplish your life goals or be liked by everyone?

Yes, in a short term, you might run out of opportunities or friends. You can’t be successful anyway if you are thinking all the time short time gain. Yeah, relationships matters. But, people might be got angry when you keep saying “ No” to opportunity or“ No” to an invitation. But, Less is definitely better.

We are pretty much average of FIVE people around us. So, Do we need all the “YES” in our life? And at the end of the day, we need to keep the main thing. Stephen Covey explained an amazing way this situation The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing

Best Practice comes from Tom Friel, The Former CEO of Heidrick & Struggles “ We need to learn the slow “Yes” and the quick “No” ( Essentialism, Greg Mckeown)

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Heal yourself

I feel this is the time to heal ourselves. It is great to see a lot of tech community is giving away their services either discounted prices or free for their users. I am very proud to be part of this community. We need to do what we are supposed to. Our clients, team members, partners those are the one who made it what we are running. This should be shared.

Also, time to heal our inner body.

  • For reading more books we couldn’t able to have a chance to read because of the daily commute or office responsibilities.

  • Meditate, pray or dance and let the bad energy go away.

  • Get connected, chat and talk with your loved ones.

  • Don’t sit down and watch all day news or Netflix. Do workout with bodyweight exercise. At least, walk around your house or backyard 15-20minutes and listen to your favorite song or listen to a podcast.

I’m not saying don’t get stressed out. I feel also not sure what’s going on. But, one thing I know many things are not under my control. It helps me a lot. I try to do my best and reconnect my inner soul. I feel this is the chance and reminder for our society to understand how important our health also our loved ones. Whatever you love, don’t give up. Stick on it. Good days are not too far.

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I hate (hate is not my dictionary word at all. But, I have to use it) assumptions. This is a power-consuming attitude. Sucking your energy so badly. You can’t even stop yourself when you start to make assumptions.

Assumptions are not healthy and not helping anyone at all. I kind of understand when people make assumptions about themselves but when they do it for others? Oh, come on, God’s sake! Who are on the earth? Why are you putting your nose on other’s business? Don’t make an assumption, Just ask a question.

Don’t spend your valuable energy on this. Also, don’t suck other’s energy too. If you do it, you will be well known as a SUCKER!


Having enough

I like the sound of “Enough”. It makes me so happy in the meantime relieved. You are pretty much saying “ That’s it”. I’m done. When are you done? Pretty much when you have enough.

These days because of “self-quarantine” made me think. People are shopping at grocery stores like crazy. They are consuming news like obsessed. Checking constantly what’s new and what’s happening on their social media accounts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not undervaluing anything. But, I feel we need to stop some points.

Do it for YOU

What do you do?

That’s a common phrase to ask people to learn what’s their job. But, I don’t hear not that much time to ask people “ Why do you do”

I wish we should a reminder to ask ourselves at least every 2-3 months. Do I do it for my mom? Do I do that because I want to be known for this in society? Because of money? or might be Fame? Whatever it is. That’s fine. As long as you are doing for you.

Why can’t we be honest about ourselves? We are living this life only once. It does not make sense at all do it for others. They will never ever be satisfied. In Norwegian, they have a great saying: “Much wants more”.

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If you are feeling satisfied with what you have. You are golden. And, If you want more that’s alright too. No judging.

“ Nobody can give you wiser advice than Yourself” Cicero
