This is a great place to start. If you are into a new hobby or skill, and you don’t know how to start. Just ask your inner circle :
You will be surprised how much you are going to learn from that person. Yes, you will learn a lot from the Internet and books; however, learning from someone who has undergone a similar situation you are about to start, they are going to be the best teacher or coach to you. You can apply this for fishing, learning Japanese, starting a company, opening your restaurant business…anything really.
Most important thing: You will save a lot (I mean a lot x 100 ) of time. Instead of all the trials and error. You will have a great playbook. The playbook (your inner circle/friend) may not work out for you a hundred percent but still, they will give you the foundation you need.
Think about when the last time you ask for help was? Please don’t get me wrong. You should ask for help from the right person for the right thing. Learning from a friend is amazing but the most amazing is paid back to another friend. I should write about giving back to the community… maybe in the coming days.
Share this post with a friend who helped you in the past or still helping you currently.
And say: You love them ❤️