
Expectations are an interesting topic. Many times we are hoping we will get return much more than we invested. Initially, sounds make sense. You have x amount of time or money, so you want to get the highest return as possible as you can.

I am pretty well known as an optimistic guy. But, I always calculate the worst scenario. You can’t always win. (Most of the time you won’t win anyway, I need to write something about this ) At least, you should forecast the worst, mediocre and highest return in the beginning. Then you will have clear expectations.

So many internal and external factors are playing a crucial role in our lives. Even if you know your field more than a Bedouin knows about sand, still you can’t calculate everything. Don’t expect all the time you are going to win. Most of them won’t. And be ok with that.

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Gold membership

I saw this topic in my dream. I woke up and took a note about this a little bit on my phone. ( Sometimes it’s good to sleep phone nearby not all the time:)

Sorry for the typo. It was 2:20am:)

I was chatting about life in my dream. That was pretty much life is like an app. When you signed up for the new one, you see in the beginning all the features. Depends on the onboarding, you either started your free trial right after the signup or later on. If you couldn’t understand the app well or didn’t engage it, You mostly likely never come back that app. So many apps so little time. We all know the story.

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I feel the same thing about what we have in the offline world. We came to this life pretty much with a gold membership package. But, none of us really checked out what’s our package included. Because that is given so not really worry about when is expiration or renewal date. We need to dig a little bit about what’s our life goal, what are we trying to achieve, etc.

I don’t know it’s kinda complex in the meantime it’s super simple. Life is all about the experiment. If you are healthy, pretty much you are golden. The rest of the package will be waiting for you to discover it.


I will definitely write more about this topic in the near future. Let me start the first phase of stress. I’m going to share with you my growing pain stress. That’s a good problem to have. I don’t know do you need to call this a “problem”. Sometimes they say don’t call a “problem” is a problem. Call it the “Challenge”. Either challenge or problem that’s something you are about to tackle. And, that gives you anxiety.

Anxiety drives stress in my case. However, I never feel stress is a bad motivator for my end. I don’t know you but I like the stress of something that is related to my input. Honestly, I stopped caring about what are others thinking about almost 97% percent ( I’ll explain that in the rest of 3% in another post). So, all I do is just stress “Am I spending my valuable time on the right things” That’s it.

I know -like going gym. You do feel your muscles are hurting. They say If it’s hurting, it’s working. Same on my case. If you are stressed about overcoming your daily “challenges” that give you stress it is good if you use it well.


90-10-1 rule is pretty much 90% of internet users are silent. All they do consume what others producing. 10% of them either write comments or contribute some ways. Only 1% of the internet is creators. This ratio is similar everywhere. (Check Wikipedia Ex)

You might figure out this either if you have app, restaurant or book. Very few of audiences are going to leave a review.

You can also check on your LinkedIn Post to do this math too. How many of your followers reading your post? How many of them likes ? How many of them leave a comment ?

90% don’t read, 10% read, 1% like, and .1% comment.

So, don’t worry about too much contribution. 90+ % of internet is Lurker anyway.

February’s Top Books.

The Joy of Movement by Kelly McNogial. It’s easy to read. I like the examples of people who are actively either running or doing exercise. Pretty much book for how addictive sports and it can reshape your life. You will understand how exercise helps you find happiness, hope, connection, and courage.

Daily Rituals How Artists Work by Mason Currey. I am always interested in other people’s routines. If it’s especially other artists. That’s way interesting to me. Super easy to read. The book covers hundreds of top performer’s daily rituals. Like what time they get up or when they start to work and how are their social life engagements, etc. Definitely recommend it If you are looking to change your daily routine and inspired by Artists.

The Content fuel Framework by Melanie Deziel. This is the book for a content writer, marketer or who wants to share their own story with different mediums. I know so well how important content your business and personal brand. You can find top tips in this book. I’m going to deep dive into this book to find best practices for my daily journal too.


Night on Earth (Documentary) by NETFLIX. I really love it. Crazy experience to see Earth at night time as a day time using groundbreaking technology. It’s only 6 episodes. I hope you guys can enjoy it.


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January’s Top 3 books

Convenience > Complexity

I like convenient things. We are a human being and technically we don’t need too much stuff in our lives. We need food, shelter, and security. However, we are making our daily routines so complex.

I like complex algorithms. There is nothing wrong with that. But, it doesn’t matter how complex the background of solutions, it should be so easy to use. Consumers or users shouldn’t think about what they should do next while they are using your solutions. It should be super easy and simple.

Most of the time, builders and founders are thinking so complex structures and technologies to build new innovations. On the other hand, they are having hard time to explain or visualize their first version of platforms.

So, simple is the best. More complex your technology, it should be less complicated to use it.


Whatever we do; it’s all about timing. There is no perfect product.

If you are too early for industry, you need to either wait or you can quit. For waiting, you need to have capital, time and patience to wait till the timing is right.

If you are late or too late, you need to differentiate yourself at least 10x better and make them try yours. Or, don’t enter the market.

Whatever we estimate still we don’t know many variables. That’s why you need to trust your gut feeling after you have done all the research and analysis. If you are the right founder and the market is wanting what you are building, and finally the timing feels good, Don’t overthink!

My Coffee Routine

I drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day.

My first coffee of the day: I like to make it my own right after the woke up. I freshly grained the coffee beans ( I use mostly Philz coffee) and do pour-over.

Second coffee of the day: Right after lunch. I don’t eat anything till lunch except for morning coffee and water. So, my second coffee is also mostly Philz. I do mobile orders don’t like to wait on the line. And, I do drink Philtered Soul ( If you guys are going to buy me coffee, you know what I like:)

3rd coffee depends on my mood that’s rarely happening. If I dine out at the restaurant, I’ll ask coffee but never finish it.


I don’t drink my calories. At least I’m trying. So, no latte, cappuccino or mocha for me. Who’s drinking Mocha anyway:)))?

My coffee is straight black coffee. Depends on my mood or place I’ll get an Americano.

My favorite coffee shops in the San Francisco Bay Area

1) Philz. Of course Philz. I think I’m spending Philz more than my gym membership:) My favorite Philz, (Bush & Kearny and San Mateo Downtown one).

2) Chapel Hill, That’s my secret gem. Now, this is no secret anymore:)

Note: I have no affiliation with Philz. I wish I had 🙂

Failing Graduation

It’s been a while I keep seeing the same dream over and over. Let me explain my dream.

I failed to graduate from college. I see my transcripts and It says you have another 2 years. I failed to graduate because of different reasons. Depends on the version of the dream, it can be attendance or some other weird reasons. Right before awakeness, I talked those bullet points myself:

  • I already graduated the college

  • Yes, I didn’t attend the classes most of the time. I wish I attended more and learn more. Instead of listening, I should participate more

  • Even if they don’t give me a degree that’s fine. I don’t need it

  • Nobody asked me for my degree so far. Maybe I don’t have a degree and we are all live in illusion:)

River of Joy

When you do what you love, You feel “River of Joy” flows inside your body. That’s exactly how I can describe this feeling.

You don’t even realize whether it’s a weekend or weekday. You don’t worry at all what time it is. It all about keeping that “River of Joy” running through your body.

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It’s a similar feeling to “butterflies in your stomach” when you fell in love. However, butterflies still related to another party. If s/he doesn’t like you, your butterflies are going to disappear sooner or later. However, the River of Joy will continue to increase its flow as long as you keep doing what you love to do.