River of Joy

When you do what you love, You feel “River of Joy” flows inside your body. That’s exactly how I can describe this feeling.

You don’t even realize whether it’s a weekend or weekday. You don’t worry at all what time it is. It all about keeping that “River of Joy” running through your body.

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It’s a similar feeling to “butterflies in your stomach” when you fell in love. However, butterflies still related to another party. If s/he doesn’t like you, your butterflies are going to disappear sooner or later. However, the River of Joy will continue to increase its flow as long as you keep doing what you love to do.

Getting old

Don’t believe in getting old. As long as your brain is functioning well, you are not old.

Especially, more you see, experience and learn, you are getting younger. Every new learning is helping you to touch some part of your brain, you never use it. Pretty much every day, month and year, you installing new software. Doesn’t sound like old to you? Not for me.

Don’t stay one place or idea forever. That makes you old. Explore new options. Can you wear small or worn-out clothes? Of course not. It doesn’t matter how expensive they are or how much you love them. You can’t wear them. No more fit for you. Why are you still holding your outdated or unhealthy thoughts with you?


How comfortable our lives?

Do you enjoy being comfortable?

What’s comfortable’s definition for you?

These questions I’m asking myself time to time. I have no problem with being comfortable with my definition. That’s my original one. I am not taking society’s set formulas or way of living rules. And, I want to be comfortable with them. Not to worry about at all what others thinking about it.

Having your own way of living makes you original anyway. But, you shouldn’t aim to be original. Be You!

Are you comfortable?

Working late

Today, I started to work since 7:00 am ( Now, 11:28 pm) I think I’ll keep pushing another 1-2 hours. If you enjoy what you are working on and understand what’s the value is going to be delivered for others. No need to stop what you are doing.


I’m so happy whenever I catch Sunrise. It’s a magical moment. I feel so lucky If I have a chance to watch a full rise.

Plus we have beautiful red roses.

No matter how hard things are happening around us, the sun will always rise up. That’s enough reason to wake up another day.

Like having enough materials in my life and being happy about what I have. No one ever is going to take my Sunrise:) Knowing this is a huge motivation for me.

Don’t think!

Yes, I know sounds super cliche. But, I always say people if you are going to do next month why don’t you try next week, If you feeling next week is right, why not can be the next day?

Yeah, proper preparation is great for specific projects or timeline. However, If it’s an experiment, just don’t overthink it. Do it and learn what was working or not and move on. Experience is a great teacher. The Best Way to Learn is by doing it.

Presidents Day

Today is Presidents Day in the United States. I thought we are celebrating all the Presidents and remembering all of them. When I checked what’s behind of story of Presidents Day, It was a celebration of George Washington’s Birthday. Later then, It is honoring for all Presidents. Still, some of the states want to honor only Washington and the second most popular President Lincoln.

Here is the list if you are interested in to learn who’s using this day only “President” others Washington alone or Washington and Lincoln.

I learned something new and wanted to share it with you guys.

Good company

People don’t miss cities or places. They miss their good times with their friends and families. We recall our great memories from time to time to remind ourselves of what we are missing.

You don’t need to have all your friends and loved ones around you all the time. But, when they are with you, don’t take it granted. Enjoy every moment with them.

Yesterday, I was having an amazing brunch with friends. Then, I came across a saying on the menu, It was “We believe that thoughtful design and the power of a shared meal can elevate the human spirit”. It was a great coincidence. It made me write this post.

Small wins

I always say don’t make a business plan do business. Honestly, I believe all the projections or estimations are just helping you understand what’s going on in the business. Nothing more. Why?

You can’t forecast anything a hundred percent. So just focus on that day. Make that the next 24 hours are amazing. Let’s say, it’s been a while you didn’t work out. What should you do? Go to the gym. Don’t be lazy or keep saying let me start tomorrow. Just Go!

At least you will win that day. Focus on your small wins on a daily base. Because a small, concrete win creates momentum and affirms our faith in our further success.

Opposites Don’t Attract

People who are in the early 20s, they don’t like their neighboorhood or cities or sometimes their countries. They want to try something different or a live couple of years abroad. But, they all end up either people from their hometown or nearby countries. Such as: In the USA, Greeks hang out Italian, Turks or Meditteranean people. Why? So obvious. They all have the same and similar tastes.

More similarity increase more chance to be with those people. That’s all-natural. So, don’t worry too much about who you end up with. Follow your similarities.