
I don’t really like to go to crazy crowded events. What’s my crazy number? 

Anything more than 20 people is too much to me. 

I like 1:1 or small/carefully curated groups of people, especially if they know who they are going to meet before the events.

How about networking?

I don’t believe that networking is for going to events and meeting people randomly. The best way to know someone is by working together. Either at the same project or client/service provider experience. 

David Sinclair-Longevity

I’m in a rabbit hole of David Sinclair and his work of longevity. You can find quite a video clips/podcasts about what to eat/drink to live around 120+years.

So far what I found helpful:

  • Fasting is great. Pretty much stress your body and let it survive. During 16 to 18 hours of fasting, the body reproduces good genes (I oversimplified please do your research)
  • Go outside with Tshirt on a cold day or take a cold shower couple of times a week
  • Eat mostly greens and little meat if you have to (when you are out)
  • Run or power walk two/tree times a week for 15-20 minutes
  • Go Sauna a couple of times a week.
  • Stop smoking
  • If you want to drink, drink red wine. Max 1-2 per day.

Seems like a pretty reasonable lifestyle. What do you think?

Keep it up

News, tweets, stories, emails, notifications…

It’s so hard to keep it up.

Slow down your life. Think about how can I utilize my day as if I own it? 

Not everyone

You are doing your work not everyone but someone.

Hand-crafted & carefully selected audience.

Those are your people. You serve them only.

You have the right to pick.

Pick the right ones.


There is no shortcut for anything.

If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you have to practice it till you feel comfortable. But that doesn’t mean you can start to compete at a professional level?

Many of us feel confident enough to do things we barely know or try to figure out the shortcuts and jump in the field.

Shortcuts take you barely starting position.

Do I really need to know?

Why are you telling me your nonsense daily life?

Do I really need to know?

Do you really worry that much anyway?

Spend your valuable time on things worth your effort.

This generation

Yes- Our generation is different. We think and live differently than our parents.

Our way should be the main way.”

Most likely, every generation said the same thing when comparing themselves to previous generations.

Are we really different?

Or- Are we who we are supposed to be?

New one.

New brings change together.

Today is too late

Today is too late to solve today’s problem. I have been thinking this past couple of days. It would be best if you solved it before it’s too late. If you can’t, focus on the future problem. 

All-In Summit

I had a great time the last 3 days. Our days started from 8 am till 5 pm with full of unique content & networking activities. At night time, we attended the most fantastic theme parties I’ve ever been to. I’m glad I made it this trip. 

Meeting great souls inspires me again. Surrounded by people who do good for society is always fun for me.


It’s my first time in Miami. So far, so good. It’s a vibrant city. It’s not a typical US city. It’s a mix of cultures. Now, tech culture is part of Miami’s melting point. Miami has everything you need.

I am here for 3 days, all in podcast summit. Bunch of Investors and fans of the podcast are here to meet & learn from each other. Those events used to happen in SF. Now, we are traveling to other cities. I’m sure this won’t be the last time in Miami.