
If one part of your body is in the pain, you can feel it your entire body. Till the pain is gone, you can’t feel anything else. It depends on how painful it can stay with you days, months sometimes forever. The best way to get rid of pain, You should think pain is temporary in your life.

You should be well-informed about everything you do in this life it can bring you joy, happiness also pain. Nothing is going to serve you with beautiful display and ready to enjoy. If that happens that’s amazing. But, in default, you have to ready for painful days.

Pain is a great motivator. Sometimes, you can see a lot of folks are addicted to pain. They see pain is part of their journey. It makes their routines spicier.

I like pain more moderate way. Like mindset when it hurts, it’s working is. When it hurts a lot, I believe you have to stop it. My wife always says “ Everything is great in moderation”