People Business

I have been running MobileAction since 2013. I didn’t make sure how long I was going to run the company when I started. I was pretty much focusing days, not months, not quarters or years. Only I was trying to optimize the following days. Later on, we started to make a plan for a month or quarter. Still, months or years are too long for me. I don’t like a project if it takes a couple of months. I have no problem with waiting or be patient to see results. However, I like to see progress day by day. There is always room for improvement for anything. Let’s think about a deal we want to close. We want to onboard them let’s say next month. However, the client has some internal decision-making process also some technical integration or engagement need on our or their end. What will be doing during that time?

I honestly believe keeping conversation should be like warm soup. Whenever you want to eat it don’t worry is it too cold or too hot? It’s always eatable anytime you prefer. That’s why you should always some level engagement or conversation going on them.

You can always apply this basic principle for any kind of relationship. At the end of the day whatever we do or deal with, it’s all about people. Your loved ones, families, colleagues and clients who they are human beings. They want to deal with caring, genuine and driven people.
