%99 percent

99% of our problems are solved by good health & financial freedom.

Here are my tactics for both.


  • Start small changes in your diet & be more active.

    Ex1Take stairs instead of elevators.

    Ex2: Don’t put milk/sugar on your coffee

  • Change your food order

    Ex: Let’s say you order a dish at a restaurant. It comes with protein, salad, and carb(potato or bread); start eating salad, then protein, and if you still want to eat carbs at last.


  • Start saving as little as possible, then gradually find a sweet spot for monthly savings.

    Ex1: I automated every time I charge my Tesla on I automatically buy $50 Tesla Stocks. (Money I saved from Gas every full tank pretty much)

  • Don’t compete/compare your living standards with others. You don’t know where they started or what’s their actual net worth just watching their IG stories.

    Ex1: You are an average of five-person is around you. The same principle applies to who you follow on social media too. Don’t follow people who give you anxiety or make you depressed. Either mute their stories/posts or just follow people, inspire and motivate you.

    Both financial freedom and healthy life are long games. So stay positive and remind yourself this is your GAME!