Permanent Address vs HQ

I never liked to have a “ Permanent Address” concept. Instead of saying this, I prefer HQ.

a) Much cooler to say

b) You don’t limit yourself “a” place.

I started to see my friends from outside of the Bay Area started to move out of the city. Either they are going back home or alternative global tech hubs such as London, Tel Aviv, Berlin, etc.

Still, some of them keep their HQs are in the SF Bay Area others didn’t. But they don’t have anymore “FOMO”.

You don’t have to be in the bay area anymore to raise capital or get interacted with those “cool” people. All you need to have a great product, team and internet connection.

Note: Why am I still in the Bay Area? My HQ is in the Bay Area. Pre COVID days, I was traveling mostly Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Now, I’m cruising with my zoom call those cities that I missed a lot. Waiting impatiently travel around the world very soon.