Playing the long game

People often overestimate what they can accomplish in one year. But they greatly underestimate what they could accomplish in five years. — Peter Drucker…

Understanding everything you do is working something greater in long run. Any decision we are making should serve our long game. A long game is a game you are playing with yourself. No competition, no comparing to others needed.

The longer you are staying in the game (technically, you should stick on your game), it creates the compound effect. You will grow slowly but real.

In this game, no shortcut no fast gain. Anybody is promising you “HUGE” rewards, in the short game, those are lying to you. Taking the first steps of the longer game most of the time is so hard. Such as: sticking on a healthy diet or reading a book every day. It does not look so exciting in the beginning. However, your consequences, in the long run, is incredibly rewarding: Healthy Body, Building Great Knowledge Pool

Don’t forget, In every decision we make or action we take, we’re either playing the long game or playing the short game. (Sam Kyle, Playing the Long Game)

Shortcuts make long delays. ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring…