Product vs Service

I just had a call with entrepreneurs from Turkey who are struggling to find product-market fit and building solutions for their clients. While in the conversation I figured out they also running their service company.

Pretty much they are about to the spinoff of product from the service business. That is why they think they still need to keep the agency clients and help their needs. As you can see the world’s biggest agencies never build a world-class product. They might have something that works for them to reduce workflow but never took off. Why is that?

Answer is FOCUS

If you focus something 100 %, you will get a 100 % return. That’s it. You can’t keep running service and product same time. You might have a service after you hit product-market fit as a customer success solution. Still, your service should not be your main business line. Service should be a complementary/temporary solution to engage and retain clients.

So, focus to build a product first. Later think about service. Most of the service work either can be automated by-product onboarding, addons or find cheap labor solutions and outsource it.