Re-Visiting your Vision

It is so hard to keep up your energy level and have laser focus all the time. That is why you need to keep reminding yourself what the vision was when you started your journey.

In my case, I want to help/work with every single app company since 2013 (serious app companies, not the ghost ones) via our MobileAction and solutions.

Sometimes because of your workflow also life distractions make you forget your bigger vision. And, you ended up working on tiny/narrow vision projects. Those might bring great returns in the short term; however, you are betraying your Bigger vision.

How can you re-visit your vision?

Surround yourself with a circle of competence who are self-motivated and driven team members.


Now, I know where WE are going. We have a clear vision and an iron focus. Already 7+ years of building a great product experience, thousands of client connections, and industry knowledge. I am more excited than ever.