Saying Yes or No?

I know this is the situation we are always in.

I felt many times I’m going to say “No” to this person. In reality, I keep saying “Yes”.

Why am I like that?

I believe I wanna be known as a “ Yes MAN”.

Greg McKeown said in his book Essentialism

“One reason is that in our society we are punished for good behavior (saying no) and rewarded for bad behavior (saying yes). “

Yeah, we do like people who always help us. Then, we are building some bond between that if s/he says “NO”. We all forget all the “YES” and got mad.

Honestly, we can not keep everyone “Happy”. We should take our time before we make any decision. Here is the best practice for you :

-Don’t reply email or text message instantly, If it’s a YES or NO question. Wait at least 5 minutes. Go outside, have a coffee or do exercise then give your answer. I actually do a couple of pushups before saying anything.

Try the next couple of days and let me know how it works out.