
None of us is self-made. Even we started everything from scratch without any family or friends help or money. Still, on our journey, we got help.

How? Someone you follow on Twitter, the books you read, or Youtube videos you watched had contributed to your dreams. In my case, Naval, Nassim Taleb, Jim Simons, Morgan Housel helped me a lot last couple of years of my personal growth. I didn’t even meet any of them in person ( Technically, I met Naval 4 years ago on the boat in International Waters (Summit Series), and we exchanged Hi! 🙂 ) But indirectly, you got what you needed it.

I am sure everyone has somebody who helped them earlier days with “one email intro” or “introducing people at the party,” etc. Those look like small initiative now, but they were huge back in time. Yes, I hear you; you did all work. That is your job, “Push the doors and keep them wide open.” Still, you were not alone. Saying I’m self-made would be an injustice to all those people who brought you the party.