September’s Top Books

1. Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal by Naom Chomsky.

I think I don’t need to explain how important Naom Chomsky’s contribution to our intellectual life and society last 50 years. I started to read him while I was in college. The latest book of his is underlying what needs to be done (ASAP) about Climate Crisis before it is too late. Short read definitely interesting (4/5)

2. A Human’s Guide to Machine Intelligence by Kartik Hosanagar

It is great for starting to understand the basics of AI and Machine Learning. Kartik’s personal contribution to the field definitely makes it interesting. (4/5)

3. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

I am a big fan of Morgan Housel. Whatever he wrote his blog on Collaborative Fund is always interesting to me. I think I highlight a minimum of 40 places in his book. It is fun to learn about the psychology of money. I wish this book was published 10 years ago:) (5/5)


August’s Top 3 Books

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June’s Top 3 Books

May’s Top 3 Books

April’s Top 3 Books

March’s Top 3 Books

February’s Top 3 Books

January’s Top 3 Books