Skin in the game & Ralph Nader

Skin in the game term first came across with me Nassim Taleb’s famous book Skin in the Game. Yesterday, I reread my notes from the book I highlighted. I found Nassim dedicated his book to Ralph Nader. I said who is this guy? Did a little bit of research about Ralph Nader and found out who is a famous consumer activist and devoted his life to fighting against giants companies to make ordinary people’s lives better.

Nassim and Ralph both are Lebanese. Ralph’s family came to the USA early 1910s. His entire family (mom, dad, and his sisters) is a civic activist and thinker. I’m going to watch his documentary for sure next following days. That is an amazing life story. Immigrant’s son from Lebanon fought General Motors’ the early 1960s to protect American consumers against the fragile cars which were not safe at all to drive. And saved hundreds of thousands of lives after his efforts last 3-4 decades.

I asked myself What if Ralph’s parents didn’t immigrate to the USA?