Stay Home

Stay home except for essential needs. You hear this all day long.

Why is it so hard to stay home?

I don’t know. But, I actually enjoy it. I think I grew up with that. I attended a boarding school ( Hasanoglan Anadolu Ogretmen Lisesi) in Ankara/Turkey between 2001-2005. We were always either at the dorm or school campus. Our campus was huge. I think bigger than most of the universities.

The school was built by students (1943). After they graduated high school, They started to be a teacher. Mostly they went to the countryside of Turkey to educate women and kids.

Our daily routine look like:

  • Get up 6am
  • Study between 6-7 am
  • 7 am-8 am Breakfast
  • 8 am 3 pm School
  • 3 pm-5 pm Free Time
  • 5 pm-6 pm Dinner
  • 6 pm-8 pm Study
  • 8 pm-9 pm Get Ready for Bed
  • 9 pm: Sharp sleep ( I mean military sharp:)

I literally live like that 4 years. So, we can’t leave the campus area during the weekdays. If you are local, you can go on the weekends. Anytime, you had to leave the campus either you had to be sick or your parents needed to call the school. So, those times there was no smartphone. The Internet got came to our school in my senior year. So, what we did in during that time? Read, Study and Enjoy nature.

That’s what I am doing now too, Work, Read, Write and Enjoy the nature.

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