
Everything starts with a story. It is so odd to me whenever I see on the movie dad or mom is reading a story to kids. It was not a thing while I was growing up in Turkey. We didn’t have a storytime. So, I think we learned to tell the story ourselves instead of someone else.

The average person follows 100-500 people maybe more on an Instagram daily base. You are pretty much following their stories every time what and how they want to share. You care about their stories more than your stories. Later on, our stories are turning like their stories.

At least, we are all getting used to consuming media via stories. Why don’t we change our attitude while we are sharing stories to ourselves? We should ask:

  • Is this the story true? Or I made it up myself to make me feel good?

  • Am I going to keep sharing the same story or time to change with the new one?

  • Do I live my story or someone else?