The first posts

Today is the 100th day of my daily writing journey. And, I want to share what I have learned this first 100 days. It might be helpful for others who want to start:

  • You need to read in order to write– That’s pretty simple. I started to read more. Now, I am reading most of the topics I want to learn and enjoy it. That means you need to cut some of the daily distractions such as too much TV, Social media, etc.

  • Publish it– It does not matter how bad it is. Just keep writing. Somedays you feel more proud of what you write than other day vise versa. That’s alright. This is a process.

  • Be accountable -You should promise yourself but you should also promise to others you are going to write for them every day. That makes you drive and write it.

  • Write for yourself -It doesn’t matter who is reading or not. Stop checking who received an email or read it. Just write for your own pleasure.

  • Stop counting day– Every day is a new day. Don’t worry about what you are going to write about tomorrow. You will find a topic as long as you are breathing.

Again, the best day to start to write is: Today. So, don’t delay it. Thank you for all who encouraged me by reading my posts, giving me feedback publicly or privately. I’ll keep day numbers on my journal probably till I’ll publish 1000th one. So, if you are annoyed my daily emails, please disable yourself. I won’t get personal:) You can always come back or check from time to time. If you already liked it and want to stick around, keep sharing your thoughts either public comment or reply daily posts.

I feel we all completed the first chapter of my daily writing journey. I want to end this Churchill’s famous quote: Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.


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