
It is hard to start from scratch. Especially if you are not around people familiar to you. New language, new country, new people. That’s why people mostly don’t miss the cities they miss their friends & family or their old memories.

Relationships are so vital for our lives. Those make us healthier and happier individuals. I’m reading a book it’s called Together by Vivek Murthy. He explains why being lonely is the biggest health problem than drug usage, smoking, or diabetes in America. (The impact of lacking social connection on reducing life span is equal to the risk of smoking fifteen cigarettes a day, and it’s greater than the risk associated with obesity, excess alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise. Together, Vivek Murthy)

According to him, three different loneliness, Intimate, Relational, and Collective loneliness. Intimate, or emotional, loneliness is the longing for a close confidante or intimate partner—someone with whom you share a deep mutual bond of affection and trust. Relational, or social, loneliness is the yearning for quality friendships and social companionship and support. Collective loneliness is the hunger for a network or community of people who share your sense of purpose and interests. He is saying even if you are experiencing 1 out 3, you are still experiencing loneliness.

Pretty much the solution is to value your friendship and take care of the people is matter to you. Even if you are not around them, call them regularly. Make them feel they are important to you. One practical suggestion in the book, instead of voice calling he says do video call. Because when you are doing video calls, you can’t reply to your emails or do something else. (You devote that 2-5 minutes for only that person)