We moved to a new place

Hey everyone, We moved to a new place.

It’s been a great writing journey with you. I want to start a new year with a new website and blog. Thanks to Enes and his great team they did an awesome job less than a week to execute this transition project and upload all the posts and set up.

Now, Our new place is WordPress. I started to write on Substack which is a great place to start without worrying about email service, hosting, domain, etc. But, I feel it’s time to move to a more custom place.

The new URL is aykuts.blog – You don’t have to resubscribe if you receive this email.

Our new blog design is inspired by my virtual mentor Seth Godin’s blog.

Super excited to write and share more. ( Don’t worry, you won’t’ get more than one email per day:)

We won’t have a comment or like section in this blog. I would love to get directly email from you whenever you want to comment or share your opinion. Check about page to how to reach out me. Discover our recent and all-time popular posts

