What I have learned from writing every day for the last days

Today is actually day 303:) I was planning to write and publish this post after a year of publishing this newsletter. But I just felt today is the day!

What I have learned from writing every day for the last 300 days:

You need to learn, think, or rethink every day to share with your audience. Writing every day is almost a full-time job. You had a chance to quit back in time, but after 200+ days, you figured out you committed something perfect for you. It is like water. So, you can not stop learning something new every day.

Your mind is picking up things faster than before. You are connecting almost everything the posts you wrote it, or you will write.

– You are developing an encyclopedic brain in the process. It is hard to explain what is it that, but it is a cool thing:)

– You can “search” any term or topic after you have built up hundreds of days of writing and figured out what was your mood, feeling, and occupancy at that time. It feels you have lived every day, and you earned those days.

– You are learning; eventually, you are writing for yourself. Not for friends or fans. Just only for you. And, you want to share what you know or learn. That is an amazing feeling. There is nothing a better reward than this.

Moving forward:

  • I’ll keep writing every day. However, I won’t number it anymore. I am very satisfied with what I have accomplished already. It was a good ride.

  • I won’t wait anymore to share what I read, watch or listen till the end of the month. I’ll share any time I feel to do

Thank you again for all of you. Let’s start the real journey. As I always said, This is not End; This is not the Beginning. This is just End of the Beginning.

Note: I might write more than one post somedays but don’t worry. I won’t send you guys an email more than one email per day. Hopefully, substack will build a feature; you can choose your email frequency very soon.
