What Inspires Me?

People are keep asking me where we should invest?

I’m not a professional investor. But, I love investing in people. Helping them to start something, Accelerate their growth with my expertise or connection. It’s kind of my way of giving back to society.

They don’t necessarily need to build a company or app. It can be anything. All I do motivate and inspire them. Because I get inspired by every day. If you ask me “What inspires you”? Honestly, I can get inspired by anything. Because I look at everything with an approach “What can I learn from this”. That’s why any cool design, great food, nice conversation, walking around the neighborhood, coffee cup, birds, stones, flowers, nicely onboarding to new software, water packaging, one sentence inside of the random book, food labels, and many more

That’s why my life goal “Get inspired to inspire others”