What I’ve been reading/and read

Read-Another great book from Seth Godin Mafia*- Ignore Everybody by Hugh Macleod. Hugh is a cartoonist and copywriter. He is sharing how he started his hobby project became a global one. The key is to stick to your original ideas without asking anybody’s approval and keep it a small and fun project. And run continuously without expectation if it turns a good one, that’s amazing.

Reading- Amp It Up by Frank Slootman. I like an operator business book writer who built a company or helped them to scale instead of business professors. Frank is sharing his last 25+ years very candidly + he is currently CEO/President of SnowFlake (Market Cap 80B+ today- last month $100B:)

Reading-The Power of Regret by Daniel H. Pink– I am more like no regret what happened to past that was necessary. But, hoping in this book can show me the power of regret. Overall its easy to read.

Read- Marriage, a History by Stephanie Coontz– History of marriage. Why people married back in time? what was the reason? Today how “love” replaced other reasons and turn to be the only reason to get married. Women’s role in the marriage from past to today.

Reading- Becoming Trader Joe by Joe Coulombe- Trader Joe’s My favorite place to go shop groceries. I like it more than Whole Foods. It’s super easy to find anything. Very organized and of good quality with reasonable prices. Also, you can find so many exotic products thanks to Trader Joe’s buying & curation team. The book is sharing a lot about the mission/culture of a company and most interestingly after the acquisition by Aldi Group what happened to TJ.

Read- I rarely read cover-to-cover books. But if I have enough highlights and got the idea book, I selected it as a read. I go back maybe from time to time my highlights and still interesting in that book, I might revisit again.

*Seth Godin Mafia- People who got help from Seth for publishing or editing their books. Or might even be inspired by him. Never heard anyone use this term. I created:)