What should we eat for dinner?

I have waited until tonight to write this post. Last couple of months my wife and I keep asking the same question each other. “What should we eat for dinner”?

Breakfast is easy for us. I skipped it, she does quick breakfast.

Lunch is either grabbing salad or I can prep some sort of breakfast sandwiches.

Dinner. That is our new nightmare. What did we use to eat? We either cook at home or go out. Now, we are tired of home-cooking also take out. Going out is not the same anymore. So much hustle and bustle.

We miss San Francisco’s different variety of food options. Suburbs are suburb. Very limited section or mediocre restaurants. But, I think it is going to change. New York already changed outdoor dining is now permanent. Technically, American cities turning European cities.

What are you guys eating for dinner?

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