What to listen (podcasts)

Whenever I drive, walk or hit the gym, I prefer to listen to podcasts than music. Music is fine when I really want to listen & enjoy it. Podcasts are one of my favorite way to acquire new knowledge & enjoy my free time.

Here are my favorite ones:

Panic with Friends by Howard Linzon– Investing & Startups and more

-Plain English by Derek Thompson- Current world orders & economics

Conversation with Tyler- Intellectual Convos with today’s deepest thinkers.

Knowledge project by Shane Parish– Learn from others who already figured out.

3books by Neil Pasricha– Great guests share their top 3 formative books in their life.

-The James Altaucher Show– Always interesting guests & crazy ideas.

Bonus: XYZ Podcast– My new turkish podcast. We chat about all about life & personal growth with my great friend Osman.