Whats get you up in the morning?

I was driving today from my house to San Francisco Downtown. It was pretty early to start a day. I was in the city around 7:30 am. I thought already early for me.

While I was passing through a big tech company’s office, their team members already started their day. Then I think about “ whats get them up in the morning”?

It can be many reasons. Sometimes no reason. They might have no chance to think about why they are doing.

I believe you need to have a mission or goal which should be way bigger than yourself. It’s so hard to find that one. We watch daily hundreds of people’s TV show on Instagram. Then constantly checking our notifications. There is no time left for ourselves. We don’t get bored to ask “what’s my motivation”. We do stuff because we do it.

I don’t have a recipe for you guys. But, think about it again. Whats get you up in the morning?