Why people move one place to another?

I always think why people are living in this street instead of another one within the same neighborhood since I was a kid. I loved to walk part of the town (Born & Raised -Cankaya, Ankara) and trying to understand why they built this house like this or what kind of people are living in each part of the town. Later on, I figured each neighborhood has unwritten rules, demography, and type of people.

Anyway, our next-door neighbor who has been living I think over 30+years in the same house decided to move to Los Angeles Orange County. I asked him why are you moving after that long time? I always think about why people move? What’s their motivation?

I found 3 biggest reasons: Family, Employment, and Housing.

relates to Why Some Americans Won’t Move, Even for a Higher Salary

US Last 20 Years Data

Richard Florida identified Americans into the three mobility classes in his book Who’s Your City: “the mobile” who have the means, education, and capability to move to spaces of opportunity; “the stuck” who lack the resources to relocate; and “the rooted” who have the resources to move, but prefer to stay where they are.