Archive Explore the archives by year and month. 2025 March(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #13- Felix Dennis, Amy Sherald, Sopranos, Conclave, Ince Memed 2024 December(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #12 -Bukowski, Napoleon, Mustafa Taviloğlu... September(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #11- Jack London, Werner Herzog, Selçuk Altun, Ince Memed, Teoman... August(2) 37 oldum ve... Aykut'tan Rastgele #10 - Botero, Agota Kristof, Erje Ayden, Tezer Özlü, Avni Arbaş, Jack Nicholson... July(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #9- Charlie Chaplin, Byung-Chul Han, Tadaaki Kuwayama, Nabokov... June(1) Aykut’tan Rastgele #8- Bolero, Mallorca, New York, London, Istanbul... April(1) Aykut’tan Rastgele #7- Godfather, Philip Roth, Gibi, R.F. Kuang, Elia Kazan... February(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #6 January(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #5 2023 December(1) Aykut'tan Rastgele #4 November(3) Aykut'tan Rastgele #3 Aykut’tan Rastgele #2 Aykut'tan Rastgele #1 October(1) Selcuk Altun's Literary Time Capsule: Revisiting 'Yalnızlık Gittiğin Yoldan Gelir' 15 Years Later August(9) Founder Friend-6 Airplane mode Soup Bases & Startups: A Recipe for Sustainable Success Perfect Dish Emre Sokullu &, Turkish Web2.0 Startup Scene and My early "Startup" Story Founder Friends-5 Knowledge Machine Sunday Biographies Founder Friends-4 July(8) Founder Friends-3 36 Founder Friends-2 Surviving and Thriving: A Pragmatic Approach to Entrepreneurship Striking the Balance: The Art of Timely Action Who's helping out the most? Founder Friends-1 Podcast Episodes- you should listen April(3) Building Confidence Gaining Sales and Marketing Wisdom from Parking Enforcement Agents Embracing Growth: Overcoming the Fear of Discomfort. March(2) Plato's Allegory of the Cave, Hollywood & ChatGPT During my three-week Euro trip, I made three observations February(3) From Uber Rides to Staircases: A Family's Adventure in London's Notting Hill Build bunch of stuffs The Secret of the Grain January(2) Finding Inspiration in the Unlikeliest of Places: A Trash-Diving Crow and a 1984 Hit Song Don't let them go! 2022 December(4) My top 5 books, I've read this year No off day of learning Curator of Ideas Europe vs USA November(5) Europe & US- London & Berlin Turks in Tech Events How I learned to draw a lion? Pressure washing Risk Tolerance, Chicken & Pig Movies I watched recently October(3) Pick your battle NYC, Events Weirdos & Reading books September(5) Mr. Inside & Mr. Outside Talk is cheap We don't let anyone leave our store empty handed Learn from others Blue-collar-Techno-Laborer. August(4) Be ready Mexico, Startup Scene and Opportunities Turkish Tea Be bored July(6) My last decade 35 Living Life Your scenario Your time Better than nothing June(11) Someone believes in you Welcome home Ants & Elephants Efficiency People matter Hot or cold? Dinner party Events Changes for you Reducing risk I'm the first one May(20) Networking David Sinclair-Longevity Keep it up Not everyone Shortcut Do I really need to know? This generation Today is too late All-In Summit Miami No coincidence New York Control your destiny Movies I watched Your effort Oakland Things work out Social circle Flying for a lunch Delaying the life April(26) life & death You are picker Today is better than yesterday? No truth Not knowing what's going to happen Closer to action Thinking everything how do you know it's 10 minutes? It's on your mind I feel the city life again My life is organized Anything is possible San Diego fact of the day Let it happen First time in movie theater Is it all we need? What else? What’s next? Busy with yourself Make it visible What to listen (podcasts) Clean towel Constant gardening What if everything is fiction? Launching a new "thing" Opportunity will come March(30) How long it takes you to build this... ? I don't have cash- how about a gift card? Help others Nothing is impossible Common knowledge My new book "live & bl♾️m" is Live Fun Timeline I feel like a tourist in SF Restart from where you left Every job It is a good place everywhere Real America Continuously recruiting One step at a time Watch out. You are going to fall! Poetry Weekend-Poets I read this weekend: In-Q, Rupi Kaur, Yung Pueblo, and Kahlil Gibran See-through your own eyes You are not what happened to you Why LatAm startup market is hot? Playbook Expected Results Econ & Math I Booked an Airbnb in Kharkiv There is no better or worse. It’s different Wait Good idea & Resistance Which way 1Q84, Drive My Car & Tony Takitani by Haruki Murakami When things are going well February(30) A Leisurely Ride by Nainsukh If I loved myself, what would I do? Teacher's job to teach Mexico City Blues Marc Lore, Telosa, and Wonder No complaints Acting like everybody See what others don't see "Americans can't deal with negative emotions" Big decision Keep shipping What school should we go to? What I've been reading/and read Challenged in life Creativity & Equipment Intellectually Flexible Playing rules Not knowing Buying time Stay hungry but not too long Relative time Sunset Boulevard Billboards is changing This is normal Unique for here Aykut’s Weekly Assorted Link No, you can't do that Today’s need Tell me your story Do something Does it really important? January(32) Don't quit your day job Aykut’s Weekly Assorted Link A new place is a school. You will be always alumni of those cities. Contribution to world Citizen of the world Owning a house On drinking Everything has a story to share & my short semi-fiction story. Garbage Truck (Fiction Short Story) Aykut's Weekly Assorted Link Ups & Downs Different result Give a chance to change Learn as much as you can Be good Virtual interaction ----> in-person Aykut's weekly assorted links X vs. Y - or ??? Knowing what you don't know Feels Right Imagine & Dream Investing yourself Your grass Entrepreneurs' job Levels of service Bonfire William Saroyan What do you do when you are bored at home? It's OK to have a down day Ignoring So much learn & see Am I normal? 2021 December(31) Days vs Dreams Happy 2nd Anniversary Slowest week of the year What else is left? Great Movies by Roger Ebert I'm positive Year ending 3 Covid Test Rejected! We forget Wrong info PrinciplesYou by Ray Dalio Question Solved! Please be patient- Student Driver Open Borders When is the time over? Blame and Anger Lottery ticket Superstar Whatever scares you, go do it! New day, new learning Argument You are what you did Hey, don't forget where you come from Accept people Growth comes with change Ideal self You don't know until you try it Do not stop your lives We moved to a new place Contribute to society November(28) Let’s play Good life Don't talk too much, I want to drink milk Protect your energy The Courage to be Disliked Every day is a Thanksgiving Online learning How I met with Derek Sivers? This is how my mind works Trying to be fit in Pretending not Turkish Be prepared! Better experience Lifelong goals We are all dying Glen de Vries Instead of waiting, buy a book! Pale faces Isn’t it too obvious? Full potential Catch-up Time is different Inner guilt, freedom & entrepreneurship Imagined version of future Real value projection What bothers you? Entry point Let them say October(28) Web 3.0 Everyone thinks that … SF Symphony Concert- Beethoven Today’s beginner The best is not always your best What are you doing at night ? The whole world accepts Exciting projects In-person meetup in SF Future of Future So lucky I’m not comfortable %99 percent Don’t worry about death People Inspire Me: Naomi Nakagawa Slow down, you crazy child... Friends & Family Your style Keep seeing Integration Emotional Baggage Draft ideas Your dream ... No one knows what’s coming Caring much Birthdays Animal Farm Never know September(29) Second chance Performance based vs Hourly based When you about to have it I’m wonderful Nobody will remember you! Do good Being busy with yourself NYC vs SF Delegation City walk & inspiration NYC Frozen vs Progress Gambling Path vs Destination Unexpected outcome When it rains it pours Time kills the deal What’s good for you Looking for future Fear of what if Two strangers who meet five times 3D Dimension Move, Move, Move... Desire less Weird times I’m so happy You pick Time flies indeed. Remodeling August(27) Difficult situation Tesla Camping My DAD’s New images Live before Die Current discomfort is not permanent We're fine I’m your father First meetings Numbers Don't Lie: Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World Test it Team up It’s not the same anymore L.A. vs SF Hotel Rooms Right thumb You don’t get it No meaning Transformation How do you say your name? Knowing since first day Exclusive feeling Be open Unexpected Chill down Hawaii Hunger July(24) Last Exit Follow the lead Plan Nicer environment Still learning Reward Deal making Some events Buy time Time-sensitive Question & Answers Busy with yourself Momentum Different Colors Lost Ted-Ed Your personal time Positioning Moment by moment Talent & Experience Your commitment Unknown Changing behaviors Believe & Become June(28) There is wisdom at every stage Your Job Center Outsourcing your opinions Talking in your sleep Less commitments Relax Best place Everything looks better Universe works Payday It’s so Hot Time sensitive Don't tell me your motivation Can’t explain it The meaning of life... Pleasures Can’t get it Growth experiments Everywhere is full of opportunities Not L.A , Not The Bay Water Heart vs Mind Familiar voice Multitudes Feel original Haruki Murakami & Days Fiction Writing Challenge Self-knowledge May(29) Worry Charles Bukowski Giving makes us living Your roots Moon always returns Build your culture Say something nice Old coffee grounds Full of surprise We will remember everything You are working for yourself Stress, Anger and Future Dunning- Kruger effect Covid belly fat Crowd Machine zone Real deal Your legacy Can we move faster? Limiting yourself Tips for University Students to make their college years amazingly productive and fun! We don’t have mistakes in here. We have happy accidents! Stay & Grow with us! Wait for how long? Your power Lemon & Mint You are unique only in the right environment Sometimes it doesn’t work Industry expert April(27) Reality of mortality We are so behind. But, it's ok. Why are we building a software company? Feed Your Brain- Join my free favorite article/blog posts list Doing good Doing gives you authority Peer pressure Letting go We are all teachers Share your ideas How I met Arthur Schopenhauer? Who’s going to cover ? What if I invested $K for each IPOs of the companies I know years ago? Eliminate Suffering Approval seeking Fully vaccinated Version of yours Goin back to right track again Never too late One person Stop worrying If you have a smartphone Who's right? What's the real reason? Feeling different Physical Health experiments March(28) Being an outsider For ourselves in the future? Virtual mentors Hot coffee + Cold milk Converting someone else's customer-My Hair Salon Story My first NFT project "Infinite Game" is Live More problems,more solutions 360° Sometimes they only cry Your favorite Aykut's Newsletter posts are now Audio The hidden figure Unexpected Results Do what you want People are using it What if they don't deliver it! Every baby is different My reason for writing Sleep when they sleep Welcome to the world, Pia! This is your f*ckin company Rome wasn't built in a day Tomorrow will be even better Everything has a deadline Pain, Suffering & Hope Better never means better for everyone Never ending process Talent is universal Social norms February(25) My two cents Miserable vs Strong Clean out your garage Being uncomfortable is comfortable People Help The People Magic is real Past is fiction Fine Sunday Vulnerability is refreshing One battle at a time Etherum & Devi Infinite game You must become the light Loser mentality Immigrant Hustle Curse You must find the courage Faith is comfort You don't know until you asked for it Grow together Daily Tasks & Stress Teaching Limited time & Clubhouse Sharing what we know Elon Musk & Clubhouse January(28) Social Validation What is normal anymore? Serendipity Life is a Game Is it really a coincidence? Where is your place? Rainy days Transformations Life purpose Back to roots Imagination vs Reality Connecting the dots Before I Die Things take time Visibility problem Knowing it is difficult Signaling Everyone is doing it Tiny steps Miracle work Doers do Self-persuasion Competition vs Comparison Commitment vs Goals Create an alternative path Sitting with inner peace Help without thinking your return How to Stick Your New Year's Resolution? 2020 December(24) Favorites Of At least give me couple more years to live my life fully. First Anniversary of Aykut's Newsletter Moving people to one direction Less is more Make the most of a bad job It is on your mind Superpeer - :Video Call with me My Canadian Mafia: Shane, Chamath, Neil, and Andrew. Moai- Lifelong Friendship Heavier Talk someone Value Relationships Who is your audience? Full worth The curse of knowledge You can only deal with up to 150 people Simple Direction Telegraph Mediocrity Trap Tell me! What are you working on these days? There is no one size fits all Making your family proud November(30) Hot water & Happiness RIP Tony Social Circle Motivation Keystone Monkey see, monkey do How simple is it? Desperation Together Not an easy ride Everybody is struggling Seasonal Still or Sparkling? Giving Away Score Velocity Playing the long game Story of The Bird Re-Visiting your Vision Purpose of teams in the company Revenue is oxygen How to win your first paying customers Change the way you see everything Billion Dollar Loser Seeking Approval First-generation immigrant The lottery & Startups Problem Avoider vs Problem Solver Election Day. Vote! Maps and Decision Making Lifelong learning October(29) Self-Made What I have learned from writing every day for the last days Alcohol Consumption in the USA, Consumer Behavior, and App Store Search Data Learn from Smart people More we see, touch and hear Knowledge Illusion Depends on where you sit The fear of making something lame No one thinks about you more than you We are sync. The house you were born Places I have lived the last Years. Chamath Palihapitiya & SPAC Mental agility Delaying All you need "one" project What got you here won’t get you there. Which tribe do you belong to? Filter is Power Feeling alright Discipline Wisdom Teeth I'm on vacation Emotions are Contagious September's Top Books Skin in the game & Ralph Nader Any chance to break the chain? Philz Coffee What should we eat for dinner? September(28) Israeli Playbook Tension Adaptive minds Ageing Story vs Idea You can't schedule serendipity Idea validation, building product and Robinhood App Responsibilities Best investment Invaluable Upside down Hedonic treadmill Who's authority? Don't judge yourself Live & Learn Small wins game Itzhak Perlman & Classical Music No audience Finding alternatives Surprise Calculation Limited time Carnegie Libraries Places Share publicly Stock market August's Top Books Frank Lloyd Wright August(30) Why do you need a friend? Amateurs vs Professionals Cities are not City anymore Why people move one place to another? Independent Thinking Golden ticket Self talk Basic Principles Flow Blending Still we are comparing Live your life Ignoring Rejection Number of employees Life stories My Shazam Tracks No, I don't snore! Contribute vs Provide Grammer mistakes & Writing Poem In the middle of day Strong background Gap Year Generation tax Disappering Passion Thick skin One metric July's Top Books New era of creation Detour July(28) Driving with no music You need to wake up Okapis Read something you interested in Where do u want to live? Walk and talk Once enough Focus project Nonstop Right path Re-watching old movies Changing scenery Instead of crying Writing is a souvenir Being comfortable California is closing again Something you know Thinking simple Walkable cities Opportunities Tracking Are you happy? Mentoring Appreciate Local events are not local anymore Can't feel it Yes, you can! If you want to do June's Top Books June(30) How to Pick "Right" Watermelon? Knowing someone's business Taking to next level Business as usual People who talk, People who execute Writing every day for months Find the right motivation No excuse What’s your KPI? Highway Use cases Outdoor eating experience One last push Man started to do more housework How desperate are you? Hiring during the COVID Sunday Make It Happen Permanent Address vs HQ One year ago today Product vs Service Automation Clean your room Energy Level Why slow? System vs Goal "I'm doing good" Try to understand Deals vs Company May's Top Books May(27) You & Me Done is better than Perfect Don't hold it Time flies Teaching others I want to work like crazy Hour Doing Nothing Meditation (day experience) Meetings Exciting times What Inspires Me? Bundle offering Who do you want to connect? Can't sleep This is Your Face There is always HOPE My pain is bigger than yours Talk to Me Seeding OverThinking Running or Walking FOMO You are for the customer. Little by Little We're Stuck up Here! Sense of Urgency Limited Edition Don't be Cheap April(29) April's Top Books What kind of tree are you? Be a Man! Learning Mindset I'm Beautiful Inside! Stress is Good Walking with Notepad Likemind What do you fear the most? Prospecting Houses & Universe Mixed Models & Formulas Being Optimistic Self Learning People around you How many pictures on your phone? Alone time Top Posts- Volume (Ebook) Forest Bathing Iteration Am I Awake now? Leading Lives Life The first posts Pacman Game vs Actual Life Being bored at home Live Today! Weird March(30) March's Top Books Cutting your own hair Leonard Cohen and Poems Signals & Decision Making Curious about yourself Stay Home Growth Zone Being Remembered Doing your best Hummingbirds Reading Fiction Again Main Thing Heal yourself Assumption Having enough Do it for YOU Listening Learning from a friend What do you believe? Pain Walking Building talent Sounding board What’s on your mind? Read it or Don’t Storytime Expectations Gold membership Stress Rule February(28) February's Top Books. Convenience > Complexity Timing My Coffee Routine Failing Graduation River of Joy Getting old Comfortable Working late Sunrise Don't think! Presidents Day Good company Small wins Opposites Don't Attract Mia & Educated Recharging ourselves Bad Ideas & Good Ideas Aykut’s Coffee- How I started my first startup age of . Conditional happiness Maybe next town? Follow up How Perfect are you? Everybody's Problem Trust Whats get you up in the morning? Change your routine today! Energy January(29) January's Top Books People Business Right Person Being with Mamba Mentality Form of Art Free Education- Video per day! How do I fuel my heart? Make sure Success Factor: Grit Be less aggressive London Flight Mask Saying Yes or No? You don't know which one? Parents in town Growth mindset Long-term game Confidence Being part of bigger than You Things & Events No formula for everyone Our company vs Others Your Body Competitors Keep trying Sleep Read fiction book for the first thing of the day. Selfish 2019 December(3) Deadline Loving everyone Ankara